Chapter 4

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Yoongi and Jungkook sat cuddled up together on the couch under a big fluffy blanket that they both loved to death. The both of them usually fight over who gets to have it but it always end up with them both sharing it.

They have been best friends and roommates for over two years now and they know everything about each other. Yoongi sees Jungkook as his little brother, Jungkook on the other hand has a tiny lil crush on his hyung. Jungkook just absolutely adores Yoongi like everyone else does.

But Jungkook knows that Yoongi will always only see him as a little brother and he also knows that Yoongi really likes this new Jimin guy. He's sad about it and he has a bad feeling about that damn guy. Something's just off about him.

So yeah, Jungkook will never tell Yoongi how he really feels because he knows that it will end up in heartbreak. He's fine with being Yoongi's best friend.

So right now Jungkook is staring at Yoongi while he eats popcorn and watches the movie, Jungkook's heart feels warm and his tummy flutters with butterflies, he's content as it is.

Yoongi is just enjoying the warmth of the blanket and Jungkook's body heat, he misses Jimin though and he's waiting for him to answer his text messages.

Right at that moment his phones plings with a notification from a text message.

Jimine 🥺💞:
So you're watching a movie with your friend then?

Yoonie 💞✨:
Yes!! It's kookie and we're watching Ponyo 🥰

Jimine 🥺💞:
Kookie huh? I guess you're close then since he has a nickname?

Yoonie 💞✨:
Yesh we're the bestest of friends I love him lots 💞

Jimine 🥺💞:
You love him lots huh. Well how's the movie baby?

Yoonie 💞✨:
Oh! I absolutely love Ponyo it's so cute 🥺🥺

Jimine 🥺💞:
I'm glad.

Yoongi felt like something was off with Jimin's texting but he was sure that it's nothing at all.

Yoongi and Jungkook continues to watch the movie while the man outside take and send more pictures to his boss.

The message says,

To Boss:
[3 images attached]
They seem really close boss, they cuddle a lot and smile very often, do you want me to stay and take more pictures or should I go home for the day?

From Boss:
Go home for now but get up early tomorrow, I want to see if they fell asleep together on the couch or not.

To Boss:
Okay boss, I understand.

Jimin is furious. His hands are formed as fists and he's glaring at the wall, Namjoon is beside him and he's getting nervous.


"Yes boss?"

"Find out everything you can about that kookie guy."

"Definitely boss, you'll know everything there is to know in 48 hours."

"Thank you Namjoon."

"Whoever you are to Yoongi you will soon be nothing, Yoongi is and will forever be mine." Jimin thought while looking at the pictures of his baby and the guy.

"No one but me will ever have Min Yoongi."


Okay that's all for today!! I'm so so so sorry that it took me such a long time to write this and i'm also sorry that it's so short and bland :(( I hope it's okay though 💞

I love you all so much and all the comments and votes mean so much to me 🥺💞

I hope to see you all soon again, until next time, mwah!! 😚

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