XVII - A Snake's Whisper

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A few hours later whilst Alastor prepared food, you couldn't help but feel useless just sitting there and doing nothing. But it's true and you must admit, you didn't know how to cook. Even in Heaven, you were no more than a mere mortal, but the higher angels took you in and treated you like you were one of them- like family. Unlike in the living world, you didn't have to worry about being lonely or going hungry, they took care of that. Now in Hell, you realize you weren't really capable of doing things on your own without their help and the help of your magic.

You let out a sigh. Alastor noticed you've been quiet for a while now, seemingly deep in thought. He always wished he had the power to read minds. Then he'd know just what goes on inside your pretty little head. He can't help but feel curious.

"You're doing that again."


"Staring into nothing, dear. What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"None of your concern."

"How rude. You could at least give me a clue. I must admit our little game has grown dull, if you keep leaving me in the dark I might as well be uninterested and have you finished already." He straight out said. You looked at him and he had his usual smile plastered on his face. But you noticed the hint of impatience behind it.

'Like you can.'

"The past. I'm thinking about my past life." You wanted to lie. But you couldn't think of anything to say. Lying constantly.. you never knew how tiresome it can get. "Which is odd. I like to put the past behind and focus only on the future. I don't understand why I'm suddenly having these thoughts. Reminiscing like I have something I cherished when I was alive.."

"Silly isn't it?" You said, your eyes glued to the counter away from Alastor. It seemed like you didn't think before you spoke.

Alastor stopped for a moment, you weren't usually open, especially to him of all demons. He was about to say an insult but instead... "No, not silly at all."

"Why do you think that way? Did you not have good memories when you were alive?"

You looked at him. "I did. But they're clouded with the bad ones. I've forgotten all about them but recently I've been remembering them."

You pause.

"I've been.. having... dreams lately." 

"Dreams where... I find myself in a dark and empty void. Surrounded with nothing but voices from past memories I thought I had forgotten. No matter how hard I hide from them they find me- haunt me until it's all that's in my mind all day."

You close your eyes and let out a tired chuckle. You look up at Alastor, "And now I'm here, having a somewhat decent conversation with you of all people. Why am I even telling you this?"

You looked away. "I swear my time here in Hell is driving me nuts." You muttered to yourself before turning to Alastor. 

"Are you done with the food yet? You are taking forever! I'm hungry!" You said, slamming your fists not too harshly on the counter hoping that would take his attention away from all the things you just said.

You mentally slapped yourself. Why would you say all that? And to him too?! Like it matters, he would never find out anything about you nor your past but still... it's strange for words to slip out of you like that...

"Yes. I am finished. Though dinner won't begin in a few hours, what about we walk around the hotel while we wait for the princess to call everyone? After all, you are stuck with me until the week is over." He said as you heard him turn the stove off.

𝕱𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓∣ Alastor (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now