Chapter 2

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Ricky's pov.
'Come on guys!' Simon yells. He is super hyper. I understand why. We are playing Glastonbury with the band and there is a lot of people infront of the stage. I always get nervous when we have to play for many people but as soon as I'm on stage I feel like I belong there and everything is alright. But I don't go onto stage this time. If I would the boys would find out about me. It had been going on for a while now. Getting high before gigs. The boys hadn't noticed anything yet but I had the feeling that they would today. Seen as I always went on stage last I was trailing behind the rest on our way there. Simon went on first and Peanut followed shortly after. When whithey and vijay were on too I turned around and started running. They hadn't noticed yet. They were still playing. I was almost at the end of the backstage area around the stage I heard them stop and someone shouting my name. I ran faster and faster. I reached our tour bus and locked the door behind me. Someone was knocking on the door. I just knew it was Simon. 'Ricky! Open the door!' He yelled at me. I walked to my bunk and lifted the matress. The little plastic bag with the amazing white powder was still there. I sniffed all of it. But it wasn't enough. I grabbed the blade that was next to it and cut my wrist. Everything around me turned blurry and slowly everything went dark. The last thing I could hear was someone shouting my name.

Simon's pov.
I found the key for the bus and opened the door. I walked in but didn't see Ricky. I walked to the bunks and saw him passed out on the ground with a deep cut across his wrist. 'Ricky!' I yelled and I grabbed a shirt that was laying around and pressed it against the wound with one hand. With the other I got my phone out of my pocket and called for an ambulance. When I had done that I noticed something. There was a little bag laying on the ground next to Ricky. I picked it up. Really hoping it wasn't what I thought it was. It looked like cocaine. Ricky was waking up somehow. 'Ricky. Can you hear me?' I said. He didn't answer. His pupils were wide. It looked like there was no iris left. Well, of course there was but it just looked really creepy. 'Ricky.' I said, holding his hand in mine. His eyes started closing again as I heard the sirence of the ambulance. 'No Ricky. Don't leave me!' I yell and his eyes go back open a bit. But then they fall close again and his breathing slows. 'Ricky!!' I scream. But his eyes don't open. The paramedics come in with a stretcher and Peanut behind them. They load Ricky onto it but I don't want to let go of his hand. 'Simon. It's alright. He'll be alright.' peanut says and I let go. I walk back outside as the paramedics load Ricky into the ambulance. I fall onto my knees and start to cry. 'Simon, you can go with him.' Peanut says and I jump up and walk to the ambulance. Ricky is already attached to all kinds of machines and there is a cap over his mouth to help him breathe. I step into the ambulance and sit down. The doors close and we drive off. I sit there holding Ricky's hand until we are at the hospital. I have to let go again but don't want to. 'Sir, you have to let go.' a nurse says and I leave him. He is wheeled trough some big yellow doors and I can't see anything. I want to know what's going on. A nurse guides me back to the waiting room and I sit down. Not long after that Peanut, Whithey and Vijay come in. They sit next to me. I try not to cry but the tears are streaming over my face. We sit there for a whole hour before we can see Ricky. A nurse comes to us. 'I have some bad news. Ricky is very lucky to be alive. There was a drug dose in his blood that could had easily killed him, and he lost a lot of blood. He is in a coma right now.' she says and I jump up and run to his room. When I walk in I'm shocked. There is a little pipe down his troath to help him breathe and there are all kind of wires connected to him. I sit on the chair next to his bed and hold his hand. I know that we will be the only ones visiting him. His parents died 2 years ago in a car crash and his sister has gone missing many years ago. They think she is dead. But Ricky had been despressed since. But I thought he had been doing better later. He still had nightmares but he at least was happy during the day. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Whithey. 'Mate, we should go home. He won't wake up today.' he says and I nod. They can go, but I will stay. 'Go. Get some sleep. I'll stay.' I say and they nod. 'Goodnight Simon.' they say and walk out. 'Goodnight guys.' I say.

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