10 | Inevitable

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The next day, Harry met Draco at their favorite restaurant in Diagon Alley for lunch, a quaint little cafe called The Green Dragon.

Draco was already there when Harry arrived, standing with his back to the door.

Harry paused for a moment and took in the sight of him. Draco was standing with his arms folded, his posture impeccable as always. He might look stiff to some, but Harry knew Draco now. He could see the subtle lack of tension in his shoulders, the way he bounced ever so slightly onto his toes as he waited; It was clear to Harry that Draco was in a great mood. That thought made Harry smile. 

The light coming through the windows was illuminating his platinum hair. His forest green Specialist Healer's robes bringing his bright hair and pale skin into sharp contrast. Harry didn't think he'd seen anything or anyone so beautiful in his whole damn life. Damn Gorgeous, he thought with a smile.

He closed his eyes for a moment, summoning every ounce of Gryffindor courage in his body, hoping against all hope that telling Draco how he felt would be a good thing.

He touched Draco's arm in greeting as he stepped up beside him and was met with a warm smile.

Here goes nothing.


Half an hour later, they were sitting at a small round table, eating and talking about Harry going back to work in a few weeks. Draco grinned when Harry leaned conspiratorially across the table.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course."

Draco leaned in too, appreciating the excuse to be close to Harry. He caught a hint of his cologne and had to resist the urge to breathe in deeply.

Harry lowered his voice. "I don't think I have it in me to be an Auror for much longer, Draco. I miss working, but this leave of absence has been really good for me. I feel... lighter. Calmer. Happier, even. I've been thinking about quitting and doing something else. Everyone expects me to be this great Auror, but... I'm only twenty-five, and I think I've had enough of fighting dark wizards. I'm exhausted. And I—" Harry hesitated, "—I haven't told anyone else. I don't want to disappoint... Well, everyone."

Draco looked into Harry's bright green eyes, now clouded with worry. A lock of raven hair had fallen onto his forehead when he leaned in. Draco wanted to brush it away, but he forced himself to concentrate. Harry was waiting for a response, anxiety written on his face.

"I think that you need to do what's right for you. The important people will understand. You gave the first seventeen years of your life to save the Wizarding World from Voldemort. It's okay for you to be selfish now."

Draco smiled and reached out to put a hand on his arm, gently squeezing in what he hoped was a friendly, non-creepy gesture. "You deserve to be happy, Harry. More than anyone."

"You think so?" Harry murmured softly, his voice suddenly low and heavy with emotion. His eyes dropped to Draco's lips, lingering there, and Draco swallowed nervously.

"I do. I—"

Draco's response was interrupted by the arrival of their drinks. He jumped and removed his hand from Harry's arm.

An attractive waitress set the drinks down in front of them. "Sorry for the wait on these, boys... Oh! Are you Harry Potter?"

Based on the number of buttons she'd undone on her blouse before coming over, Draco had a feeling she already knew the answer to her question.

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