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Kings Cross Station, 15 years later.

Harry watched their eleven-year-old children bounce out of the car with a smile, shutting his car door behind him.

Once again, he mentally thanked the witch who had been their surrogate, for what must have been the millionth time in the past eleven years.

Thanks to a little bit of magic, the twins were an incredible blend of Harry and Draco. Scorpius was blond with brilliant green eyes and Draco's pale skin. He was studious and shy, but surprised them all with his quick wit and dry humor when he was comfortable.

Gemma (Gemini, but no one called her that, not even her fathers) was her brother's opposite in both looks and personality. She had Draco's stormy grey eyes and Harry's caramel skin and messy black hair, although Draco had figured out how to tame her hair long ago. Her dark mane was neatly plaited down her back today and tied with a light blue ribbon to match her dress. Their daughter was feisty, independent, and friendly. She was quick to laugh and quick to make friends, but also fiercely protective of her brother, always making sure he was included.

"Hurry up, Daddy!" She pleaded, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Sorry, sweetheart." Harry gave her a soft smile and walked around the car to help Draco unload the trunks and pets. Scorp's eagle owl was hooting noisily, while Gem's striped grey kitten sat in her basket, quite docile.

Harry smiled at Draco as he grabbed the end of Scorpius's trunk and helped him lift it onto a trolley.

"I had it," Draco grunted.

"I know you did. Just wanted to help, love," Harry winked, and Draco melted at the sight. Some things hadn't changed at all over the years.

Everything unloaded, the four of them made their way to the platform.

"Gemma! Scorpius!"

They were engulfed by a sea of redheads. The Weasley children greeted their closest friends, while their parents exchanged hugs and handshakes.

"Ready for another school year, Harry?" Hermione asked, ruffling Scorpius's hair. "And hello, you."

"Hello Auntie Hermione," Scorpius responded, flashing her a smile before ducking and moving away to hide behind Draco.

"Come on, Scorp!" Gemma grabbed his hand and pulled him over to join their friends.

Harry chuckled. "I'm ready. I just hope I don't embarrass them too much. It can't be easy, having your Dad at school."

"Longbottom's children have survived. Yours will, too." Ron grinned.

"I suppose. I just hope they love their time at Hogwarts as much as I did," Harry sighed, thinking of his first trip to the castle that had been the first place to feel like home.

"But, you know, without the evil wizard trying to murder them," Draco added, intwining a hand with Harry's.

"Of course," Hermione smiled. "We wouldn't know what that was like."

"Sounds boring," Ron joked.

Hermione rolled her eyes at him. "Harry, isn't—Isn't your niece starting today as well?"

Harry smiled. "Yeah, Daisy. We took them to Diagon Alley to get her supplies last week. I'm sure they'll be here. We've still got twenty minutes until the train leaves."

"When do you get moved into the Hogsmeade house?" Ron asked.

"We moved the last of it last night. We're ready for another school year," Harry smiled.

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