11 | Back to Reality

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They were both gently awoken by the alarm from Draco's Tempus Charm the next morning.

"I don't want to go," Draco whined, pulling Harry closer. Harry kissed his cheek and wrapped his arms around him.

"I know,  but we can't stay in this perfect little bubble forever," Harry murmured, wordlessly summoning his glasses and putting them on.

"Can't we? It's such a nice bubble..."

Harry sighed, lightly tracing patterns over Draco bare back with his fingertips.

"Well, for one thing, I have to give a speech at that Ministry Gala tomorrow night. And I'm supposed to bring a date..."

Draco jerked fully awake. "You what?"

"Come with me," Harry grinned, "please?"

"I don't—we don't—why didn't you ask me sooner? I need to buy new dress robes! And you definitely need new dress robes, and—stop laughing, Potter, you complete arse!"

Harry leaned forward and kissed him. "Sorry, I meant to ask sooner. I've been a bit distracted the past few days, you know. Would you like to go shopping for new dress robes tonight?"

Draco scowled at him and turned away. "Yes."

"Come back here," Harry pulled at his arm. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."

Draco shot him an indignant look and climbed out of bed, tugging his arm out of Harry's grip. "I'm not upset, I was just taken by surprise."

Harry rolled his eyes and got up, too. He walked over to his closet and pulled out a pair of sweatpants, a long-sleeve t-shirt, and his running shoes. Draco watched him dress, eyes roaming his body appreciatively.

Harry looked up and smirked. "You should probably get ready for work, Healer Malfoy."

"You want to get rid of me so badly?"

"You know I don't, but I do know you like your job..."

Draco sighed. "Alright, alright. What are you going to do today?"

"Go for a long run, do some boxing— With gloves!" Harry added in response to the look of disapproval on Draco's face. "Erm. After that I was thinking of going to the market for some fresh ingredients to make dinner... And after my boyfriend and I eat it, I thought I'd take him shopping for new dress robes and let him pick out some for me. And then I thought we'd come back here, or go to his place, and I'd shag him senseless." Harry shrugged, shooting Draco a mischievous grin.

"Being a bit presumptuous there, aren't we, Potter?" Draco walked over to him, and ran a hand down his chest.

Harry kissed him again. "Maybe just a bit. You want some breakfast before you go?"

"No time," Draco muttered, kissing him back.

Harry grabbed a muggle baseball cap from his closet and spelled his glasses into sunglasses. "Incognito run," he whispered conspiratorially, making Draco laugh.

"You look like a bloody tourist."

"Exactly!" Harry kissed him again. "Better go, or you'll be late."


"Draco!" Dorothy Hewitt called out when she saw him, drawing the eyes and disapproving stares of everyone else in the staff room. She pulled him aside, glaring right back at them. "Ugh, this isn't a bloody library! There aren't even patients on this floor."

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