Chapter 1

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I can't believe it's been seven years. I thought. seven years since I left the guild, seven years since I joined Sabertooth and seven years since I last saw him...


"NATSU!!" I yelled running up to the ship where he was standing just before it, not yet on board.

"Oh, heeyyy Sasha," he grinned as he caught me in his arms and lifted me in the air, while spinning me round.

I giggled.

"Do you really have to go?" I asked pouting.

I didn't want Natsu to go to the S class exam. Not cause I didn't want him to become an S-class wizard, but because he was going to be gone for ages and I was going to miss him.

"Of course I do! I have to become the best of the best and beat Erza and Guildarts!" he said with fire in his eyes and that same determined look on his face.

"Aye sir!" agreed Happy as he flew over to us.

"Awww, I'm gona miss you too Happy!" I giggled pulling him into a tight hug.

"Oii! Natsu! Happy! We have to go now!" yelled Lucy waving who was already on the ship.

"Alright! Come on Happy!" said Natsu flashing me a smile before he turned and ran to the ship.

I let Happy go and I watched Natsu and everyone waving good bye.

"Bye Sasha!" called Lucy, "We have to go shopping when I get back!"

"Duh!" I laughed as I waved back at all of them.

I smiled on the outside but to be honest, I don't know what I'm going to do without them and yes I do have a little crush Natsu but hey! I can't help it! He's hot!

And I guess you could say he knows the most about my past and how I can't really stand being alone or being the one left behind.

As the ship got further and further away, I saw Happy flying back towards me.

"Happy! What are you doing?" I asked him with a confused expression. "Shouldn't you be on the ship? You might miss it!"

"It's fine!" smiled Happy as he reached me. "Natsu told me to give you this!" he grinned as he handed me a pure silver chain necklace, the charm on it was a scythe which was also pure silver. (because the weapon I use is a scythe). "He also said to say that he'll be back soon! And that's a promise!" called Happy as he flew back to the ship.

---end of flashback---

I gritted my teeth at the memory as I gripped my scythe tighter.

He lied to me. I thought as I smashed my scythe harder into the target in front of me. He promised he'd be back soon! And now it's been 7 years and now he decides to show up! Just as soon as I've forgotten him, just as I've moved on with my life! He just has to come back and fuck everything up! Why?! Why now? Why when I'm the strongest member in my guild? Why when I've got a boyfriend and a place to call home! Why now? When I've come so far and done so much with my life!

"WHY!?" I screamed as I punched the rock in front of me with my fist as hard as I could.

"Why what?" asked a voice behind me, causing me to pulled my hand back as the rock shattered. Before I turned and looked behind me and of course it's none other than Sting.

Torn Between Two Halves Of Myself (Fairy Tail fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now