51. His Side

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" So they already pulled off everything out ? "

" Yeah, the secretary had backed out.. the estate are empty.. "

" There were only maids and stuff there.. "

" Great, now we're completely on the shadows "

" I'll call you back later "

When Seokjin ended the call, he took a deep breath before sighing it all out

Winter was as cold as he remembers in Korea

Cold air that are piercing through his skin

His mind that are buzzing with problems

' things had escalsted to this point '

At first, knowing how Jimin are keeping an eye on him these past days after Taehyung left with Jungkook

Kept The tall guy.. not.. to be able to do a thing

" Well.. now that i'm free.. time to do my work again "

The seemingly, never ending work

' like.. if not for Tae.. i wouldnt have done this.. '

His mind drifted off at the night, when the two were talking in the hospital

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" So.. this is it.. you're giving up ? "

" That.. no matter what i'm saying.. you wont.. change your mind ? "

And Taehyung turned his head side to side

" Fuck.. "

Seeing how frustrated Jin had become, sitting at tho floor all helplesly..

Made Taehyung walked to him, crouching to his level

" I gave up hyung.. for now.. "

That word set the puzzle in his head, so he looked back up to the lad, the one crouching infront of him

" What do you mean ? "

" I.. will go with Jeon Jungkook.. "

" And he'll take me out.. back to the state.. "

" But i still need your help.. "

" My help ? " He asked, and Taehyung smiles

" Watch over my family.. and the corporation.. "

" Watch over- Tae.. i'm not your family's personal guardian "

" I wont be doing this all my life.. "

" and you wont be here.. " he frowned

But Taehyung still smiles along with him, raising a brow

" I know.. which was why, all i'm asking for.. is just another help.. for a week.. "

" Because i know.. that Jungkook wouldnt keep his promise.. he'll still seek the way to destroy what i wanted to protect.. "

" Just.. until everything's quiet down.. and then i'll be able to keep him under my control "

" Your control ? "

" Yeah.. in my palm.. like i always do.. "

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