63. The Rat

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when Jin, and the rest ran to the room, what they saw was the dead bodies of Carsilion, and 3 of the other guards, previously guarding the door

" Fuck " Jimin muttered deep as he saw the exit, covered by the new group

Jungkook were seen one kneel down the floor, with Carsilion on top of his lap, bloody

Yoongi took the initiative to ran in despite the gun in Jimin's hand, as he was still unaware of what's really going on

" Boss, he " the head security asked as he checked if there are any pulse on Carsilion

But Jungkook took a short deep breath before looking back at Jimin

" He died, protecting me "

All eyes were directed at Jimin after hearing that

" You were looking for your rat ? Well HE'S the rat ! "

Everyone knows that Jungkook hates betrayal, no one escaped his clenches if you've scored a problem with him

No one escaped but Taehyung

Yet a mere secretary ? Disguising himself despite all the trust he was given to

" You're fucking dead you bitch " the man snapped with bulging veigns

Yet with a smirk, and moments  before anyone made their moves towards him, Jimin ran to Taehyung

Which surprised everyone, as they were caught unguarded

While Taehyung himself who had stood up from the bed, due to the shock of the gunshot he saw the secretary directed at Jungkook earlier, couldnt do a thing

He stood there as Jimin locked his neck with his arms, a gun pointed towards his head

" Be my hostage would ya Taehyung-shi "

" I did saved your life today " he smiled again

" LET ! HIM ! GO ! "

the yelling sound of Jeon Jungkook echoed through the hallways, gathering many people as they went to see what happened

With that as J-Hope and Jin stood outside of the room, J-Hope gave signal to the guards outside

As to block anyone from entering, while Jin were left frozen with nerves like a string

He was tense, as the scene infront of him lays down, for the one he wanted to protect are currently being held hostage

" You dont.. want to do this.. Park Jimin " Tae slowly said

Again the secretary smirked at that

" So now, you remembers my name ? "

" Let him go ! You wanted Jeon Jungkook ! Now let him go ! " The tall assassin snapped

Jungkook stood up, blood dripping from his shit and suit, as it's soaked by Carsilion's sacrifice only minutes earlier

" Take me, and let him go "

" No ! Boss ! I cant let you do that ! " Yoongi stated, taking out his gun

Well everyone had their gun pointed at the certain one man


" You know, Jeon Jungkook.. i really do actually enjoy being your secretary "

" But again, please, me ? A rat ? "

" If you're not, then what are you ? " The other angrily asked

" Well, first of all, i'm not a rat, cause.. i never actually betrayed you.. i mean.. i've aimed for your head ever since.. "

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