MY OC: Leonie Cleo Smith

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Here is my OC for the story. I have made other characters that play important roles such as the teacher and other roles that I won't post here because I want it to be a surprise.


Name: Leonie Cleo Smith

Age: 18

Face Claim: Landry Bender

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Leonie is a warm ray of sunshine. She is kind hearted, sweet and really funny. She wears her heart on her sleeve and sticks up for others. She is very shy though and lacks confidence. She gives great advice. Her trust in people regardless of how often they hurt her means that she is seen as very naïve, and this can annoy people. She wants to be liked and cares deeply about what people think, which is why her persistence to be friends with everyone can come across as annoying. She's got a heart of gold though and always means well. She puts herself before others 100% of the time and she's a lot better at sticking up for others than she is for herself.

Background: Leonie was born in Moorside and has a mother and father. Leonie's father left when she was 9 and this made her question her self worth. Despite this, she still believes there is good in everyone and doesn't like to judge people. Her childhood best friend moved to America when they were both 13. A few weeks after her 16th birthday she was told that her friend's family got deported to Ecuador. She broke down at this news and her best friend ended up taking her own life. She blamed herself and took up sign language as a way to cope. Moorside follows BSL so she learned that and also knows ASL. She is a lot happier nowadays and has a secret tattoo near her ribcage that says 'vuela alto mi mejor amiga'. This means 'fly high my best friend.' She learned to dance at the age of 14 and has been dancing ever since. Her life after that has been pretty uneventful but this explains why she cares so deeply about people and doesn't want to give up on others. She struggles with confidence and body image issues.

Best skill out of singing, acting and dancing: Dancing

How long have they lived in Moorside? She has lived in Moorside since she was born.

How their parents or guardians feel about them wanting to join the Theatre Club: Her mother is very supportive and loves watching her perform. She has been an alternate for a dancer once but has worked backstage in every other drama show.

Preferred role: She'd like to dance in the show but is planning on working backstage.

- She can speak Spanish. Not fluently, but quite well.
- She can read braille.
- She has claustrophobia. This can cause intense panic attacks but she hasn't had one related to claustrophia in a long time.
- When she lies she pulls on her right ear lobe.
- When she's nervous she bites her lip a lot.
- Since Leonie's father left her when she was 9, Leonie has only ever spoken to her father twice, both when she was 12. She sees him with his new family often but has never told his new children about his first family.
- Can play the guitar, piano, the violin to some extent and can play the drums. Best ability: guitar and piano.

 Best ability: guitar and piano

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