CHARACTER PROFILES? & A/N (published again because I added to this chapter

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I'm going to do mini character profiles for each character, so can you comment 3 words to best describe your OC please? Added: Also, write a quote for your character please. It doesn't have to be an existing one, it can be something that your character always says or believes in.

Also, just to clarify, here are the stages for this Applyfic:

- Fill out the passwords on the Description/Rules page and wait for me to accept you before moving on.

- Then, wait for me to accept your form before moving on.

- Go to the Connections page and fill out connections for other characters.

- Your character profile will then be on a separate chapter entitled 'CHARACTER PROFILES' after you comment on THIS PAGE, the 3 words to describe your character.

A full cast list with every character will go up separately but that will be when I get enough forms in and then I'll close the book so I can start working on the story.

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