Chapter 5

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After Izuku finished up at the Recovery Girl's office, they started to head home.

" I'm so tired," Izuku groaned. " Can you just fly us home today?" A hand landed on both of their shoulders.  They turned to see the boy with glasses and gasped. " Hey, there, Iida!" Both quickly got out of his grip.

" How's the broken finger doing?" Iida asked.

" O-oh. It's doin' fine, thanks to Recovery Girl," Izuku answered as he held up the finger. They started walking.

" I was a bit concerned by Mr. Aizawa's approach to class," Iida admitted. " But I trust the school's judgment. UA is the top program. Even so, lying is downright immoral."

" I thought he was scary, but that's not it," Izuku admitted.

" What is it then?" Eva asked.

"He's just really serious about school," Izuku answered.

" Hey! Wait up, you three!" Urakaka called out. They stopped to see her running towards them. " Are you going to the station? I'll join you guys!"

" Oh, you're the infinity girl," Iida noted as she got caught up to them.

" I'm Ochaco Urakaka," the girl introduced herself. " Let's see. You are Tenya Iida, your Eva Yuki. And your name is...Deku, right? Midoriya?"

" Deku?" Izuku exclaimed.

" Uh, yeah, isn't that what Bakugo called you?" Urakaka recalled. " During the fitness test, he said..." They all recalled him. " Right?"

 " Uh, well. My name's actually Izuku," He corrected nervously. " Deku's what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me."

" That's unsportsmanlike," Iida grumbled.

" Oh, I didn't realize that! I'm sorry," Urakaka apologized. " But you know what? I like Deku. It could make a great hero name! Plus, I think it sounds kinda cute.

 " Deku it is!" Izuku blushed heavily.

" Just like that?" Eva giggled.

" Weren't you saying that it was an insult?" Iida asked in frustration.

" Paradigm shift!" Izuku exclaimed as he turned to hide his face. " My whole world is upside down!"

" Wait, what?" Urakaka asked. The four then all headed down to the station together. After the station, Eva and Izuku continued their walk home.

"Seriously, Eva can you just fly us home? Izuku asked as his head drooped. "Recovery Girl healed me, and she says the body gets tired during the healing part."

"Sure," Eva gave in as she picked him. 

The next day, the students came to realize, that it was like other schools in the learning department. UA's Hero Course curriculum. There are normal course classes, like English. They meet in the mornings. Their English class was taught by Present Mic, Eva sat in front of Mineta, behind Izuku, and next to Fumikage Tokoyami.

"Now. Which of these four sentences contains a mistake?" Present Mic asked. Everyone looked extremely bored. " Hey, everybody, look alive! Grammar rules!" Momo raised her hand. " Yaoyorozu lay it on us!"

They ate lunch in the main cafeteria, where they can buy pretty tasty stuff on the cheap." Eva sat at a table with Izuku, Iida, and Urakaka. She sat next to Izuku and across from Iida and Urakaka.

"White rice is the perfect comfort food, isn't it?" Lunch rush asked he stood at the table, giving thumbs up. Izuku whimpered, Tenya gasped while the other two just nodded.

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