Such a Darling Jimmy- The Acceptance

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The girls tell me to follow them into a big tent. It's beautiful and filled with only the best ornaments. It has a king sized bed, a dressing table and a very expensive looking record player. Softly there is music playing. I can't quite identify what it is but I can feel the beat, pulsing through my veins and I feel like I am on Broadway, just like in my dreams.

Sitting in the bed is a blonde lady and behind her there is a very short girl- she looks to be Indian. She is giving the glamorous lady a massage on her shoulders.
'And who might you be?' Says the woman in a faint accent which I sense to be German.
'Hello ma'am my name is Issy. And you must be Elsa.' I reply.

We talk about my ability and she seems acutely impressed. For me, that is an achievement as Elsa does not seem like someone who is easy to impress.

'Of course you may join' Elsa says.
I feel a sigh of relief. I was so scared that I would be cut out of yet another possibility. I thank her and Elsa orders the girls- Dot and Bette- to show me to my new tent. She tells me that recently a man named Meep died so I can have his old tent. It feels so good to have the opportunity to finally have a nice warm bed and a nice tent to live in.

It's dinner time and I'm so happy about what's cooking. We are having roast chicken, a personal favourite of mine from back home. A lady with a beard is cooking it- Ethel I think her name is. There are welcomes all around and I finally feel at home for the first time in months.
I am just about to dig into my chicken when I spot him. I wonder why a guy like him is at a place like this. Then I see his hands. They are long and look like ones that would belong to a lobster. He sees that I am staring at them.

'Your gonna have to get used to people like me if you are really moving in.' He states.

I blush-I feel so bad to have stared. I know that people would stare at me if they could see inside my head and I would hate it.

'I'm sorry- I-I didn't mean to stare, I just couldn't work out what was so freakish about you' I say.

'Well, I still can't work out what's so freakish about you- you look like most beautiful girls out there'
I blush again- Jesus, I need to stop blushing so much this is getting embarrassing. But did he really just call me beautiful.

'Other than your hands you look like a typical good looking guy.' I reply back.

'For the love of God can you please stop flirting with each other and just eat your chicken?' Says Dot, I sense a smidge of jealousy in her tone. I follow her orders and I dig into my meal happily.

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