Such a Darling Jimmy

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It's 1952. I have just arrived in a town called Jupiter in Florida. I have spent the past 6 months sleeping in a sack on the streets. I came from London but after my parents both died in a fire I couldn't bare to stay and be constantly reminded of what could have been. Instead I packed my bags and managed to score myself a free ticket on a ship to New York. I always had high hopes to become a star in Shows and I was originally going to stay in London to make my way to the top but broadway of course is an even better opportunity. Or so I thought. You need a top acting education to be on broadway- that, I could never afford. So i just stayed on the streets and in the cold times I spent time in homeless shelters. Nether the less i was always on the move. I like to think the more you move the easier it is to forget about your real problems. Like the fact I had no money, no home and no family. I was lonely and depressed until a group of women walked past me and felt sympathy. They asked if I wanted some food. I said yes. They took me to a diner and we talked. They told me that they were going to be travelling through Florida on a girls roadtrip. I asked if they had a spare seat in their car. They looked confused as to why I was already asking to become one of the girls after only a few hours. I told them about what I can do and that there is only one place that could possibly sustain my talent. They asked what this talent was and what this special place was. And so I told them.

I walk through the something that looks to me like the gates of hell. A walkway through Satans mouth. Inside is big and airy. I see them everywhere. These strange beings only to remember that I am one of them. Weather they exept me to be part of this magnificent place of not. Two girls- well, they have one body but they have two heads- walk over to me.

'Show don't start till 7pm, ma'am,' says one.

I tell them i am not here to watch the show but I am here to be part of it. The girls laugh.

'Oh and what's so freakish about you?' The other girls says.

I tell them about my ability. They obviously dont believe me.

'We already got a fortune teller, ma'am,' The girl who spoke first says.

I explain to them that I am most certainly not a fortune teller, I have quite a different gift.

'Woah... well we better get Elsa for you, she may wanna see this.'

Such a Darling, JimmyWhere stories live. Discover now