Meeting Rexy

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Y/n's cage was just dropped off in front of the Gate of Paddock Nine. The security guard for Y/n opened his cage to let him stand infront of the large metal doors. If you're wondering why the would just allow him to be out of if his cage is simple. They don't want to fight, and neither does he. The purple Indoraptor is well known with his personal guards so they trust him to be well behaved. The typed in the code to open the gate. Y/n quickly ran in, knowing they would close it fast as possible.

Guard: good luck.

Y/n nodded and started to walk through the redwood trees in the enclosure. He smelled something... it was meat? The lone Hybrid found a small clearing, in the clearing there was a small chunk of goat on the floor, he turns to see what looked like a giant log with a viewing glass on its side. It seemed empty as there was nobody that could be seen.

Y/n: I mean... the meat is just laying there... and I haven't at in a while...

The Indoraptor took small steps over to the piece of meat. He looked around a bit before he began to rip the goat leg to shreds. That was until, he heard a loud roar. He lifted his head and saw a brown T-rex walking out of the tree line.

T-rex?: What are you doing in here you stupid raptor!!

Y/n: Ah! I'm just here to talk!

Y/n steps away from the meat and looks up at the tyrannosaur. Who currently looked confused as he seemed to understand her completely.

T-rex?: How did you understand me? And how could I understand you?

The tyrannosaurus looked at the hybrid, last time she interacted with Raptors they just screeched at her. But she understood this one clear as day.

Y/n: I am what humans call an Indoraptor, a hybrid with multiple type of dinosaur DNA in me. So I'm guessing you could understand me because I'm part T-rex?

T-rex?: Hm... An Indoraptor. And you're male?

Y/n: Yep, but you call me Y/n, what's your name?

T-rex?: I... don't know, humans they would call me Rexy. So I guess that's my name.

Y/n strangely no longer felt intimidated by the large carnivor and walked closer to her.

Y/n: Rexy? I like it, simple and sweet.

Rexy looks at him with a surprised look on her face before shaking her head. She began to lie on a nearby tree.

Rexy: You said you were here to talk. So, what is it do you want to talk about.

Y/n sits infront of her.

Y/n: To be honest, they didn't tell me much, just to ask you simple questions I think. So, how is it here?

Rexy: Terrible... being stuck in the same small space all your life. I used to free, but now I'm back here...

Y/n: You used to be free?

Rexy: Yes, a long time ago... I was free for so long, wandering the island, until the humans came back and placed me here.

Y/n: Do you hate them?

Rexy: I'll kill them because they're nothing but food. If one was here right now, I'll hunt it down. But, surprisingly I don't hate them, I'm getting too old to hate.

Y/n: Hm...

Rexy: What about you?

Y/n: What about me?

Rexy: Do you hate the humans? They forced you to talk to me after all.

Y/n: ... No, I don't. I was raise by humans, even if most of them see me as nothing but a monster, animal, or even a test subject. Some of the respect me, so I respect them. As for talking to you. It may be a test but I like talking to you.

The Tyrant Queen's open wide for a second, she moved her head a bit to the side.

Rexy: You're an odd one.

Y/n: Heh, yeah I'm told that alot.

Rexy notices something and begins to move over to Y/n.

Y/n: Uh? Is something wrong?

She put her snout on his side.

Rexy: Hm... I smell raptor. I understand you're a hybrid, but this scent is more velociraptor like. I'm guessing you lived with velociraptors?

Y/n: Uh yeah. Their names Blue,Delta,Echo, and Charlie.

Rexy: Hm. So what are they like your sisters?

Y/n: No, we hatched around the same time though and I lived with them for a while. They've always considered me to be part of their pack. I'm honored, but I prefer to be by myself. The worse part though is they see me as their mate...

Rexy: That doesn't sound bad.

Y/n: And they don't know the humans just made me one, or at least a possible mate.

Rexy: Oh.

Y/n: Yeah...

Rexy: Hm, well your situation is certainly interesting.

Y/n: Thanks Rexy.

Rexy: Hm, well I just want to say. That it was nice to meet you Y/n. You've certainly improved my mood today.

Y/n: Heh thanks.

Rexy: So, do you know how long you'll be staying here?

Y/n: If I remember I'll be staying here till tomorrow morning.

The T-rex gets up and walks over to the Indoraptor.

Y/n: uh? What do you neED!?

The purple striped dinosaur was gently picked up by the tyrant queen. The hybrid was now being carried as if he was a baby.

Rexy: *through teeth* I'm tired, so I was thinking we should go to sleep.

Rexy brought her guest to a dark spot of the enclosure. He laid him down, and lied down and curled up. Y/n tried to move so Rexy could have some space, however he is pulled by her small hands and is pulled into a hug.

Y/n looked at Rexy and was about to tell her to please let go. But when he saw her she was already asleep. He dolled his eyes and began to snuggle up to her as he began to drift to sleep.

Jurassic World AU (Indoraptor malereader)Where stories live. Discover now