first impressions

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Y/n had just been taken out of Rexy's enclosure, and was now being taken to the new hybrid's enclosure. As the Truck parked, the Indoraptor look through the small window on the crate to see a large exhibit with concrete walls that go up to forty feet high.

 As the Truck parked, the Indoraptor look through the small window on the crate to see a large exhibit with concrete walls that go up to forty feet high

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Y/n's cage felt like it was being lifted into the air, they don't even want to risk opening the gate. The Indoraptor's crate was then dropped onto the floor resulting in the doors breaking open.

Y/n shook his head as he tried to clear his hearing. He started to crawl out of the cage and took in how the enclosure looked... it was a decent size for a dinosaur like him. He began to sniff the air in search for the new hybrid. However, he couldn't find her, instead he walked into a small opening, he looked to his right to see a women he recognized. Claire Dearing, she was there at his birth and would sometimes check up on him. Y/n stood up on his back to legs and began to jog over to the glass and chirp a bit at it, as a sorta hello. The man next to Claire looked confused for a second as Claire had just waved at him.


Over with Claire.

Maserati: So this is the Indoraptor you've been talking about?

Claire: Yes, despite it being just an animal. It's just as smart as us, must likely as it has human DNA in its brain.

Maserati: So it understands us?

Claire: Not just us, it also talks to about every dinosaur on this island, we tested it with the t-rex yesterday. But now that he's here... where is she?

Maserati: There's a navy man on the island.

Claire: Yes, I'm aware.

Maserati: Have him come here, inspect the paddock.

Claire: *sighs* Okay sir.


Owen drove over to the indominus Paddock to see Claire waiting for him.

Owen: How's he doing?

Claire: Y/n is doing fine but he hasn't met her yet.

Owen: What do you mean?

Claire: Look come.

She leads him into the security room, to show him the enclosure. Through the glass Y/n is seen playing with the dirt out of boredom.

Claire: Maserati wanted you to check out the enclosure. But we can't want find the indominus rex.

Security guard: She's not even on the infrared camera.

Owen: Hey... were those claw marks always there?

Owen pointed to a spot on the concrete walls to reveal claw Mark's going up the concrete.

Claire: Shit! I'll go back to the control room to track it!

Owen: Wait why do you have to leave?

Claire: The signal is to weak her for us to call them, we could only answer calls from here!

Claire left the building and got into her car and began to head to the island's headquarters.

Owen: Come on man, you're with me.

SG: Alright.

Owen, the security guard, known as Bob, and an technician, known as George, walked into the supposedly empty paddock to inspect the walls.

Gorge: You really think she climbed out?

Bob: I mean wouldn't we have seen it leave?

Owen: Well it all depends...

Bob: on what?

Owen: What kind if dinosaur did they cook up in that lab.

They heard rustling in the bushes behind them. Y/n popped out of the bushes scaring the three.

Owen: Y/n what the fuck!?

Y/n gave a smug smile and walked over the three.

Gorge: What the hell is that!?

Owen walks up to Y/n and gives him a slight pat on the head.

Owen: Calm down, this is Y/n, the Indoraptor.

Bob: It won't... attack us?

Owen: Not unless you hurt him. Y/n what do you think about this.

Owen points to the wall showing all of the claw marks.

The Indoraptor sniffed the wall and caught a scent and turned around.

Bob's radio began to play a distorted message.

Bob: What's wrong?

???: It's in there! It's in there with you!

Then purple and black dinosaur heard a rumble behind it, and saw a large white dinosaur walking through the trees. Then he saw it her red eyes, the two made eye contact.

The indominus Rex wasted no time, and picked up Y/n using her mouth and grabbed Gorge and tossed him into a tree snapping his neck, owen and Bob open the gate and presses the bottom to close it, however as the two escaped and the door nearly close...

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The indominus Rex wasted no time, and picked up Y/n using her mouth and grabbed Gorge and tossed him into a tree snapping his neck, owen and Bob open the gate and presses the bottom to close it, however as the two escaped and the door nearly closed until the indominus got it's body stuck in the doors, and pushed them open. She looked at the humans before running off with the Indoraptor still in it's jaws.

Jurassic World AU (Indoraptor malereader)Where stories live. Discover now