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The indominus rex was last seen running through the forest with an unconscious Indoraptor in her mouth. She didn't know why, but he intrigued her, she didn't want to alarm him at first so she hid herself. However, most of that went out the window when she saw those humans come into the paddock and talk? Yes, talk to the creature. She saw that the panicked and open the doors, she had one chance, and she took it, so she picked the male hybrid up and ran away with him.

The indominus was currently looking for a spot to hide, she found a small cave and placed the Indoraptor down against the wall.

Indom: 'What are you?'

The indominus looks at him for a while before laying down across from him. The second she saw him she knew he was like her... But, if that was the case, then why? Why all of a sudden after years of being alone?


Y/n: *groans* W-where am I?

Y/n looks up to see large red eyes staring at him in the shadows. He stood up and looked deep into those red eyes, until he heard a voice.

???: Who are you. You're not a human that's for sure. You're like me.

Y/n: I see. You're right about me not being human, I'm Y/n the Indoraptor.

???: I'm the indominus rex.

Y/n: No name?

She shakes her head.

Y/n: How about Ingrid? So I don't have to call you by your species name.

Ingrid: Hm... I like it. Now that introductions are out of the way. Why were you in my paddock?

Y/n: Oh. I wanted to meet you. It gets lonely being the only hybrid, and when I heard about you I was excited that they were gonna let me live with you... wait, you said I was in your paddock? So where are we now?

Ingrid: We're free. I broke us out of there, if it's true you were gonna live with me, you would feel claustrophobic in there soon.

Y/n: Free? So were In the jungle I'm guessing.

Ingrid: Is that where we are?

Y/n: You should know you brought me here?

Ingrid: I've never been outside my pen before... so this is all new to me. *sniff sniff* There's food nearby... I'll go hunt.

Y/n: I'll come with you, after all I was made to hunt. And hey, us hybrids gotta stick together.

The indominus rex grew a slight smile and kept walking following the scent.

Ingrid: Y/n I want to ask you something.

Y/n: What is it?

Ingrid: I've heard the humans talking about me having a mate...

Y/n: OH.

ingrid: ... I would like to know what that means.

Y/n: Uh... well a mate, a mate is a partner, someone you spend your life with and love.

Ingrid: Partners? ... Are you my mate then?

Y/n: uhh... I... I guess, yes I am.

Ingrid: Then I'm glad, that you're my mate then.

Y/n: Heh, thanks I guess.

The two were walking, then they stopped at an empty space, there was a small stream of water.

Jurassic World AU (Indoraptor malereader)Where stories live. Discover now