Chapter 23

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Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.


Louis had gone with Cyril to his study, apparently where the two old friends used to have private

conversations for hours. Harry wasn't pleased, not even close, but his Omega asked with his

piercing cerulean eyes of innocent intent, and he really couldn't deny him. Harry occupied himself

in the weaponry with Ares in the meanwhile.

"You look....-" Cyril started and fumbled for an appropriate adjective. "-different."

Louis was curled up in a large cushioned armchair by the fire, cupping the warmth of a tea mug as

he smiled. "You sound hesitant."

"It's not a good different from what I can see." Cyril studies the boy's exquisite features as the fire

lit him up from the inside.

"What is it that you see?" Louis smirked against his mug.

Cyril put his head on interlocked fingers and leaned closer, dark eyes ablaze with thought. "In


"In me."

"Strain." Cyril states and sits back, his arms splayed out. "And it scares me."

Louis looks down, shot down by the truth in Cyril's words and stares at his hands.

"I'm scared for you, Lou." Cyril restates.

"Please don't be." Louis pleads. "It's not your business anymore."

"Anymore?" Cyril's voice rises in octaves. "Louis, you were-"

"Stop." Louis glares at him, the fire now present in his eyes. "You have no right."

"He is toxic to you!" Cyril bellows, voice resonating throughout the only soundproof room in the

mansion. "He is draining your energy and your heart, I can feel that you are left with nothing."

"You don't know him." Louis defends. "That's what everyone thinks and not everything is easy,


"Bullshit, Louis. Love is easy and timeless. Love is not selfish and cruel."

"He loves me and I love him unconditionally. We're mates and-"

"He is the direct son of Satan, Louis. He loves no one."

"Demons wait centuries, millennia to meet their mates."

"But not Possessors." Cyril gets up and stalks toward the window. "Possessors aren't meant to

mate outside their kind."

"I know-"

"He lied to you, didn't he?" Cyril turns his back to the view and regards Louis with desperate


"It doesn't concern you."

"He lied to you and what about when he feeds? He needs to do that often and afterwards when he

needs his mate to get him down from his high, what will you do then?" With each accusing word

Cyril steps forward. "Will you let him use you, Lou? Will you let him punish you for nothing until

you shatter inside and have nothing left to give?"

Besides the room being soundproof, Louis has to fight to control his emotions and thoughts lest

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