Chapter 25

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My heart made it's choice, and it chose you.


It was the beginning point of a life-or-death race. Every Alpha present took off into the woods

without a moment of hesitation, bearing weapons and throats tight with fear.

Harry was the first in, of course. He had the ability to see through anything and yet still failed to

locate the body heat that radiated off his mate. Ares flew above, straining to pick up even the

faintest glimmer of his person's trace.

There was nothing for either.

Alphas returned to the camp, carrying their Omegas and whispering sweet words. Harry tore

through the forest, becoming less cautious and more afraid as his violence broke branches and

burned tree trunks. He inhaled deeply, searching for Louis' wonderful scent and receiving nothing.

He got no response for his vibes of worry sent through their bond. It was like communicating with

nothing, a wall or just an empty pit. He growled and in his heated aggravation, starting setting

alight everything that crossed his path or rode alongside it. He melted into his true form, leaving

footprints of liquid fire that charred every living thing in his wake.

He smelt their flesh roasting, their skin tearing and their noiseless screams screech. Nothing gave

him a clue to the answer he sought.

Harry's inability to control his inner Alpha, his inner demon even more, led to him stalking around

the forest in his bright Possessor form. Until finally, he got a whiff of something familiar.

It was at a river's edge, far from where the gathering was even being held. Ares came to settle on

Harry's shoulder, unafraid of the live heat flowing through Harry's veins. Harry pushed his way

through the tall trees and their endless supply of needle branches, finally coming to the edge of the


The river was wide and deep, previously used to hide murdered corpses. Harry can smell their

bodies rotting in the salt water.

There was something strewn across the pebbles, hooked over a boulder and blowing in the light

breeze. Harry bent to pick it up, identifying it as the robe Louis was wearing. He also smelt blood,

not Louis' blood, but the tears on the clothing weren't very reassuring either.

Ares got restless, flying off Harry's shoulder to hover in the air with his guard aimed at the trees.

They seemed taller somehow, more alive.

Harry knew why.

His chest released a threatening rumbled as leaves shook and footsteps starting getting louder,

crunching pebbles as they approached. Harry counted four by using his nose alone, and stepped

back towards the water when the fifth was Louis.

"Possessor." The group appeared out from the forest, the eldest spoke.

"Possessor." The group appeared out from the forest, the eldest spoke.

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