Chapter 24

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Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.


It took us a few hours of non-stop travel due East to arrive at our destination. I'd fallen asleep and

the roar of an unknown dragon awoke me in time to find us surrounded in the air. The clan we

were visiting are warriors, and so protected their lands - and skies - with their lives.

"This isn't your land." One of the unidentified generals spoke.

"We're here to ask for help." I answered, watching Harry watch our advancers with precise


"Who are you?"

I was glad they asked this question, it's been a code long in existence. "Friend, not foe."

That seems to ease the general's nerves and he nods tersely before diving to the ground. We all

follow, landing on a grass strip amidst buildings for housing.

We hadn't come in on foot so we didn't pass through the impenetrable gates that were allocated

along the sky high walls. No army has ever infiltrated this clan and that's why I paid careful

attention to befriending many of these people. I knew we'd need their help one day.

People scatter, staring and murmuring amongst themselves when Ares lands. Some try to touch

him after I've dismounted but he snaps at them and shrinks to a size that will perch on my

shoulder. They admire such a creature since they do not breed dragons.

Harry takes my cloak off for me, leaning closer than necessary to kiss my temple and assert his

presence here. I accept his hand when he links our fingers together. The people here already know

about us, about him. The bond mark on our faces dictated Harry's species and our bond.

"Who are you here to see?" Raul, the general who stopped us from landing on our own, asks me.

"Is Eren still around?" I respond.

"He is but this winter his last." A strange sadness sets into the atmosphere.

"I want to see him."

Raul nods and parts a way through the spectators. We weave through inquisitive bodies for about

ten minutes before coming to an aged justice building. The front steps seemed to go on forever but

this is where the people kept their most valuable belongings and only a few knew how to get in

without being caught in an endless spiral.

"This way." Raul beckons us to the almost hidden side stepping stones.

I was last here nearly three years ago and Raul was just entering his training then. He is younger

than me with more height and a deathly glare if you happen to land on his bad side. He got

promoted to general through brutality.

"Are you alright?" I turn to ask Harry, who hasn't said a word since we touched ground.

"I'm fine." He squeezes my hand and smiles.

"You're too sober. What's going on in your mind?"

He smirks and urges me onward. "After tonight, we will have four days left."

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