Golden Glow

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He used earth magic! Which to me seemed kind of ironic for someone that lived underwater, but hey, i guess it works. Sad thing is, fighting someone that used earth and me with only my healing magic and fists wasn't easy. 

"Shit!" I yelled, barely escaping one on Octo's earth mud pillar things. I tumbled, causing me to cut my leg. I hid as far away as i could to catch my breath. "Ok...ok ok ok....heal!" I focused my magic to my leg and healed it. "That's better. Think can you win this?"

"Oh little black can't hide the whole won't be fun if you do...." Octo called out. I felt him getting closer to my spot. " You could always just give in. Make it easier...."

"Fuck that!" I yelled, bolting from my spot. 

"Earth magic, dirt spike!"

Spikes shot up from the ground. I jumped into the air, only to be stabbed in the arm by a spike from the ceiling. I can't believe i didn't see that coming!

"GAH!" I fell to the ground and rolled, holding my arm. " Get a grip Freddi! You're being reckless!"

"Just give up." Octo said, raising his hand. 

"Never! I'll succeed and be the wizard king!"

I got back up to my feet and healed my arm. I had to think of a plan. If i couldn't land a hit i was done for. No way was i going to go down this easy. Octo sighed and scratched the back of his head.

"Kid i really don't wanna hurt you."

" I'm not some simple kid! I'm a freaking Magic Knight!" I yelled.

" You're not much of a fighter." Octo said.

" magic is healing...." I said sheepishly. " But i can fight! Maybe not with my magic but i'm strong!"

" I admire your enthusiasm, but you can't hit me."

"Watch me." I rushed at him again, dodging whatever he could thrown at me. I was about to punch him when;

" Mud fist!"

I put one arm up, blocking the attack, and the other swung around it. I actually hit him! I went flying into a wall though, coughing and rubbing my arm. Octo stumbled back, shocked i landed a hit. It wasn't enough, obviously, but i had to think of something. So i decided  to use one of my newer spells.

"Uggh..." I got up and flipped through my grimiore. " Alright....InfiniHeal!"


A faint white glow engulfed my body. All my cuts and bruises healed as did my incoming fatigue. 

"Alright! I hope you're ready cause here i come!"

"Oh please. As if anything you do will let you win."

"And nothing you do will hurt me...." I smirked and rushed forward. Octo dodged and went to send another rock my way. I was able to kick off the wall and go over it. I was faster and stronger now thanks to the continuous healing, but i still couldn't get him down.

We had been fighting for what seemed like hours before i felt my magic beginning to drain. My actions had started to slow and my rapid healing was beginning to fade.

"ACK!" I hit a wall and fell to the dirt below. Octo walked over, barely having a scratch on him.

"You have guts...and skills... I'll admit that....but you're no offensive mage.... you're a healer....and that means you stay behind the lines...."

"Sh-shut...up..." I mumbled, trying to stand. " I... Am a great warrior... I am a fantastic mage... I am a black bull and I will be wizard King!!"

"Sorry kid. Trust me I don't take any joy in this. Earth Magic, Mud Sphere!"

I bolted towards Octo again. Mud was swirling around me getting thicker. By the time I realized what was happening it was too late. He had enclosed me in a giant sphere of solid mud.

"No nonono...let me out. LET ME OUT!" I screamed, punching at the walls around me. I kicked the mud and jumped in place, hoping to break free. Nothing worked. "I can't... I can't fail.... I can't be stuck in can I be the Wizard can...."

After about 15 minutes stuck in there, I eventually gave up.

"....They're right.... I can't fight... All I'm good for is healing others....what's the point...."

"You mustn't doubt yourself"


"There's more to your magic than you think."

"...Who's there?" I asked, standing up inside the muddy sphere. "... Great now I'm going insane...."

"Read the grimoire Freddi, you'll realize that you're power isn't what it appears....I believe in you sweetheart...."

"...M-mom?" My grimoire glued bright golden color illuminating my small space. I stare at the new spell other shock. "Th.. this... isn't healing magic at all...."

"Yea she's dealt with...." I heard Octo say from outside the sphere.

"Prove them your worth."


There was a bright light surrounding me. The mud sphere began to crumble. Then all together, it was gone. I stood there, in the faint glow of my grimoire. Octo was a few feet in front of me. Even with his mask on, I could tell he was shocked.

"'d you get out...."

".....I don't really know..."

"You're a healing mage! How'd you use time magic!?"

"Time....magic...." I thought for a moment and gasped. "TIME MAGIC."



Time Magic! I have time magic!!!!! Like you!!! Its so cool!!! One thing I don't understand is, how can I have time magic, but I also have specific healing magic..... could I have a combination? Like....that Mars guy with the half fire half ice? Is it ice? Uhhh.....I'm off topic.

"Let's dance squid boy!"

"I'm an Octopus!" Octo yelled. "Mud Fist!"

"Revert!" The gold like glow surrounded the mud fist, turning it into a mess on the ground. I tackled Octo to the ground.

"Ah! Mud armor!"

"Shit!" I jumped off the octopus mask wearing man and stepped back. He stood up, now in a solid armor of mud.

"Try to break through this...."

"...To many pieces to change back....I don't have that much magic left in me...." I dodged every hit he threw, trying to think of a plan.

"Give up kid!"

"Not in your life!" I rolled out of the way and laid my hand on my grimoire. " One shot..."

"You're done for!" Octo came charging at me. His hand was three times it's normal size, and ready to hit me. I jumped over.

"REVERT!" The mud armor on his hand crumbled. As I jumped over his head, I grabbed the octopus mask off. He was beyond shocked.


"I told you." I said, landing. I swung my led around, kicking him in the head and sending him flying. "I WILL BE THE WIZARD KING!"

He was out cold after that. I laid down on the ground, trying to catch my breath. I still had the mask in hand.

"Ah...jeez....ok....maybe just...a little rest...just.....zzzz...."

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