Contract, Jealously, Challenge.

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"Everything is allowed in war and... Love."

~palace's gardens~

Diana's pov

I get dressed behind the tree I had left my clothes before and Destiny keeps on being weirdly silent in my mind.

And do you know what?

This is so fucking frustrating!

I mean, the idiot wolf keeps on avoiding telling me what she talked about with Devon and I am getting extremely angry at her! We never had secrets and now she looks like she wants to change this and she is going to pay for it because I am ready to kill someone and she is not helping me, in fact she makes things worse!

I get sure I am alright and get out from behind the tree to find some of Daniel's most trusted men waiting for me.

Are you serious asshole?

"Miss..." Jim begins but I raise my hand and he stops.

"You can go everyone, thank you!" I listen to Daniel saying from behind me and I roll my eyes ironically.

And before you tell me a thing let me tell you that I knew from the beginning that he was right behind me but I didn't care at all.

Anyway, if he wants to have a contract then fine, we will but there is no possibility of not putting some terms as well and believe me he will regret the moment he decided to have this damn contract with me!

Jim and his me bow almost immediately and then turn and walk away leaving me and the useless piece of shit alone. I feel him walking closer to me and he stops when he reaches about some inches right next to me.

I turn and give him an ironic smirk and he opens his mouth to talk but I prevent him.

"I think that we have to talk about this so called important contract in private, in your office! Shall we?" I ask shortly not really leaving him chance to pretest and he nods sighing heavily.

Fucking great!

I start walking heading to the palace with him right behind me and we pass by lots of people without even looking at them (at least this counts for me, I am not in the asshole's head) and once we get in we start walking up the stairs. My rage is reaching is top as we get closer to his office and I growl to whoever greet or even smile to us.

Okay, I am aware of being rude right now but I think I am fully excused considering what just happened! I am acting so coldly because I am getting crazy and I want to keep distance from everyone, I am not a very kind woman when I am mad...

After some more time that to me feels like a century we reach at his office and I get in without even taking his permission or waiting for him. I walk quickly and take a sit right in front of his office the moment he gets in and closes the door behind him and I bite my lower lip nervously.

Alright, do not kill him Diana, try to be the bitch you know you can be! Make him pay!

"At least..." Destiny speaks up but before she continues I smirk at her wickedly and block her immediately.

Karma is a bitch my bitch! See you when I am in mood!

"Um... You know..." Daniels speaks up clearing his throat and walks to his sit behind his desk with slow steps.

"I think it is not a good idea, I am sorry! Let's forget about the contract!" he says with his head lowered avoiding looking at me.

Oh really idiot?

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