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Tadpoledrift opened her eyes and looked around her, a starry meadow and creek surrounded her. In front of her sat two she-cats, one a similar-looking she-cat with white and patches of grey in her pelt, the other pinkish orange with white stripes.

"Mom!" Tadpole happily leaped up to hug her mother but stopped a paw step before.

Ivystalk had a stern disapproving glare in her eyes.

"Mom? Why are you looking at me like that?" The med cat slowly took steps backward.

"You've broken the code, why else would I be disappointed?" Ivystalk's expression hardened.

The pinkish tabby put her paw on Ivystalk's shoulder. "Ivy don't be so harsh to her." She quietly whispered to her friend then faced Tadpoledrift.

"D-did you bring me here to talk about Muddyvenom?" The small medicine cat quietly chirped.

"Yes we are, Cherrydrop and I wanted to talk about this 'situation' you have gotten yourself into." Ivystalk was back to glaring at her kit.

"In my opinion, it doesn't fully matter, it's just love." Cherrydrop spoke up.

Tadpoledrift smiled slightly as she looked at her adoptive mother.

"But your choice in mate probably isn't the best for the clans and what is going to happen."

"Ivystalk!" Cherrydrop looked back at her friend but cast a concerned glance at Tadpoledrift.

"What do you mean about Muddyvenom? What is he gonna do?" Her eyes flicked from Cherrydrop to Ivystalk and back again.

Cherrydrop dipped her head sadly, her ears pinned to her head. "He's going to lead Riverclan down a darker path than it already is, that's all we know for sure."

Tadpoledrift scooted farther away and looked back to her mother again. Ivystalk's forest-green eyes burned like wildfire, her tail flicked from side to side with agitation.

"I think that is enough for now, don't you think so to Cherrydrop?" The silver and white she-cat looked to her friend again.

Cherrydrop lifted her head to look at Ivystalk, then slowly nodded and looked back to Tadpoledrift. "We'll see you again next Half Moon, stay safe until then."

The two she-cats drifted away as Tadpoledrift woke up, the moonpool in front of her now reflecting the dawn outside.

Tadpoledrift's MistakesWhere stories live. Discover now