Chapter One

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A silver and white she-cat wadded through a river, several herbs held in her mouth as she kept her head above the water. The nearly full moon hung above her as the stars around it shone with a distinctive beauty that matched that of the tom that sat on the other side of the river.

Once Tadpoledrift had reached the other side of the river, she set the herbs she had collected onto the ground. Her mate, Muddyvenom, towered over her but gave a gentle smile to the small she-cat.

"You're awfully late tonight." Muddyvenom mewed as he leaned down to start grooming Tadpoledrift's fur.

"I was busy collecting herbs, it's almost leaf-bare so I thought it'd be best to get a pawful more just in case we have greencough."

Tadpoledrift looked up at her mate as she quietly purred. "Any more news or updates on that rumor Snowflakeflurry was spreading?"

"You mean about him telling fellow clan cats that we're all murderers? In that case, my mother and I have a 'plan' that'll make him shut up." The calico tom's gentle smile turned into an odd grin.

"You're not going to hurt him, right? You can't just go around and harm your own kin." She prodded with concern.

"Don't worry you pretty little head my love, he'll more likely than not live through what's going to happen."

Tadpoledrift's ear swiveled and twitched when she heard the crunch of leaves, Muddyvenom quickly standing up and unsheathing his claws to fight away whatever was there.

An ominous laugh came from nearby and the two cats sighed in relief as a tortoiseshell she-cat came into the light. Tadpoledrift picked up the herbs she had gathered, padding up to the she-cat.

"I'm sorry I've come back to camp so late, the herbs you requested for earlier today don't grow anywhere in our territory." She dipped her head to the leader.

"Oh don't worry my darling, those herbs there will help us endlessly with the rabid foxes all about our territory recently." Evergreenstar looked at the herbs that Tadpoledrift held, many pretty purple flowers were held together on a single vine that dragged close to the ground with the bottom half being soaking wet. Another herb were red berries surrounded by green spiny leaves that looked as sharp as an eagle's talon.

"I must thank you as well, my love." Muddyvenom came up beside Tadpoledrift and nuzzled her cheek, Tadpoledrift purred with triumph as she looked at the leader and deputy.

"Well, I guess we should be heading back into the camp." Evergreenstar turned around to walk back to the cave but turned her head back to look at her son and his mate. "Unless you two want to stay out longer, but I suggest not as a few warriors already have suspicions."

The silver and white Medicine cat trotted over her leader, the foxglove flower vine dragging behind her and leaving a wet trail behind it.

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