My Dream and My Fantasy [1]

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                                                          ~My Dream and My Fantasy~ 

                                                   [Chapter 1]: Easier Said Than Done.

                                                                      Violet's POV

I let out a low grunt as I loaded the last suitcase in my car and closed the door wiping the sweat off my forehead. Suddenly, I was trapped in a really tight bear hug. I looked up to see my brother, Travis's, midnight locks tickling my forehead.

"I'm gonna miss you Vi" he said to me tightening the hug. Oh sure, when I need help loading my car he's busy, but when I'm leaving he's suddenly free. I rolled my eyes.

"You could've at least helped me load my car" I commented as he let go and made the pout, the kind of pout he always makes when he wants me to forgive him.

"It's no fun, you know" he complained making me roll my eyes in reply.

"Big baby, how else are you gonna get abs?" I asked him opening my car door and getting in.

"Going to the gym, perhaps?" he answered skeptically. I fought the urge to roll my eyes the third time and turned the key making the engine start.

"Call me when you get there, and make sure to stay away from boys" he commanded more than advised me.

"Who are you, my father? And since when do you have the right to have a love life and not me?" I asked him with fake annoyance, even though inside I was touched that he was worried about me.

"Since I'm two years older little sis" he teased with one of his cat-like grins while ruffling my hair. 

"Stop! You're ruining my hair!" I complained slapping his hand away and switched the stick shift to drive.

He chuckled and backed away from my car. I pulled off the driveway and looked back to see him waving after me childishly. I smiled and shook my head, he's so gullible and innocent sometimes, but that's what makes me love him.

The drive to my new college was long, tiring and suspenseful. I had to make two stops, one to fill up gas and the other to get something to eat. But at least I had my favorite music with me so I wasn't bored.

Finally, after four hours I made it to the front gates. They were black and had some kind of vines swirled all around it making them look old, yet classical.

I got out of my car and started to look around the gates in hopes of finding a way to unlock them or push a button somewhere. 

"Ah, here it is" I said to myself locating the button and pressing it. 

"Name?" a voice came up from nowhere. I almost jumped in surprise. 

"V-Violet Evers" I answered stuttering a little bit. 


"Eighteen, new student, freshman, singing department, or whatever it's called" I said everything I knew, just hoping that the weird interview person would stop asking me personal questions.

"A little too much info, but welcome to College Of Artistic Talents, you may pass, our student president and headmaster will meet you, have a nice day" said the voice.

The gate made a weird sound and slowly opened. I smiled while getting into my car and drove through. Thank God it's finally time! I've been waiting for this moment my entire life!

I noticed a huge fountain and felt my mouth fall open. So pretty. I stared in awe as I kept driving and stopped in front of the main doors. I spotted two people who I guessed were the student president and the headmaster.

~My Dream and My Fantasy~ (Teacher/Student Relationship)Where stories live. Discover now