2. 🍫Chocolate🍫

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"So what would you like to order?" Jin asked Nayeon.

"A salad and a glass of Champagne would be perfect." Nayeon declared.

"I'll have steak and red wine." Jin says.

"Awww! You two are so adorable together! Ahhh! I'm literally third wheeling right now!" Dahyun squeals.

"Ani! I'm the third wheeler for your information!" Jimin started.

"No I am!" Dahyun fires back.

Why are the even fighting over being a third wheeler!? Jin thought.

"Can you just both be third wheelers!" Jin declares.


"Now, now you two, let's not get all hasty." Nayeon tried calming Dahyun down.

"I'm not." Jimin says relaxed.

"BUT I'M NOT TOO-- Well okay maybe a little. . ." Dahyun sighs.

"Jimin, why don't you ask what Dahyun would like." Jin offered.

"Okay, so, um, Dahyunie, what would you like to order?" Jimin asked shyly.

"Ummm. . . I'll take a Chocolate fudge cake, chocolate ice cream, chocolate milkshake, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate lava cake, chocolate waffles, and um do you guys by chance have chocolate milk?" Dahyun asks with a soft smile.

Nayeon then choked at what the young one had said.

"Dahyun I had no idea you were serious about that!" Nayeon says with a chuckle.

"Dahyun, do you have a death wish because I'd be gladly ready to start digging your corpse and I'll even pay for your funeral if you do!" Jimin smiles.


"Then don't order that much sweets or else you'll get diabetes you pabo!" Jimin hollers.

"So are you getting the desserts or no!?" The waiter asked confused.

"Cancel what the young lady said. Instead, she'll take your Valentine's special; box of the most finest chocolates, your number 356 specialty, two racks of ribs with salad, a glass of white wine, and um. . .go buy some chocolate milk at the convinience store near by ju-seyo(please)." Jimin said as he gave money to the waiter so that he could get Dahyun's chocolate milk. 

"Wow! I'm quite impressed! Are you a regular?" Dahyun looked at Jimin impressed.

"I guess you can say that." Jimin said as he secretly winked at Jin.

"Wait but who gets the two racks of ribs?" Dahyun asked.

"You! You get both of them because you seem to have a big appetite." Jimin says.

"Yah~, don't say that to my baby!" Dahyun says as she rubs her stomach.

"You're pr-pregnant?" Jimin asks shocked.

"NO YOU DUMBASS! I'm kidding! It's all shit in there." Dahyun laughed.

Jin and Nayeon giggled at the young ones joke.

"Of course it's just shit, no one would even dare to crush on a ill-mannered lady like you." Jimin says.

"Yah! Take back what you said!" Dahyun says.

"No." The boy answered.

"Screw you. . ." Dahyun storms off with a growl.

"Jimin, I hate to break it to you but I will, you just met Dahyun and you pressed the wrong buttons already." Nayeon says.

"I can tell. . ." Jimin says as he gets off his chair and follows Dahyun.

*With Dahyun. . .

Dahyun was so ready to just cry it all out in a stall until someone grabbed her arm harshly. . .

A/N annyeong! Hmmm, i wonder who grabbed Dahyun. . .
Anyway, thanks for reading!

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