16. I'm Serious Dahyun

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"We're cousins!?" Bambam asks surprised.

"Oh shoot! Your parents didn't tell you yet" Lisa covers her mouth.

"How do you know about this?" Bambam asks.

"Well yesterday I saw your Eomma with Dahyuns Eomma and she called your Eomma unnie" Lisa tells.

"That's not a good enough proof" Bambam says.

"Oh did I mention that your Eomma and Dahyun's were planning on telling you guys that you're cousins this coming Saturday!" Lisa says.

"Okay that's good enough proof, but I can't believe she's my cousin!" Bambam sighed.

"Yep, it's hard to digest but you two do have some strong scalps, dying your hair like every three months" Lisa laughed.

"Eh, gu-rae" Bambam agreed.

**Dahyun POV**

It was now Saturday and I woke up late.

"Eomma, where's oppa?" I ask with a long yawn.

"Taehyung left already, I thought you came with him?" Eomma says confused.

"Eh? Where did he even go? I clearly just woke up" I say.

"He left to go to the cafe near here, he's meeting your cousin" eomma says casually.

"Like our Cousin Jisoo or?" I say.

"Aniya, oh I must've forgotten to tell you you're meeting a cousin you haven't met before" she says.

Gee, moms can be so forgetful!

"What's it's name?" I ask.

"Bambam, I'm pretty sure he goes to your school"

"BAMBAM!?!?" I ask in shock.

I had a FRECKIN crush on my cousin!?

"I'll catch up to them!" I say and quickly got dressed and brushed my teeth.

I quickly ran out the door.

"Yah! Kim Dahyun!"

Ugh! I know who that voice belongs to!

"Not now Park Jimin, I'm in a hurry!" I sighed in annoyance as I ran.

Jimin then stopped in front of me.

"Lemme carry you, I assure you, you'll get there sooner" Jimin offers.

"Okay whatever, I'm going to that cafe" I say and quickly get on him as I point at the cafe.

He ran and I didn't bother to look and kept my eyes closed.

We got there and I quickly got off.

"Thanks now bye" I say and leave him.

"Yah! At least treat me to something! You're heavy!" Jimin whined.

I glared at him and dragged him into the cafe.

We ordered and I got him a cupcake.

He was eating it like a child as Tae oppa spotted us.

"Jimin! Dahyun-ah! Over here!" Oppa called out.

I held onto Jimin like he was a toddler I was babysitting and brang him to Oppa and Bambam.

"What is Bambam doing here?" Jimin asks as he glared at my cousin.

"H-he's my um. . .cousin" I confess shyly.

Jimin's jaw dropped.

"But that means you had a crush on--"

"Haha that's enough talking Jimin" I cut him off as I shoved the cupcake on his face.

We took a seat and I sat beside Bambam.

"Can you guys believe it! We're cousins all this time!" Tae oppa says.

"Mmmhmm unbelievable" I muttered.

"Eomma says we're second cousins" Bambam added.

"Okay" I say and played with my food.

Taehyung oppa cracked some jokes that Jimin only laughed at. Jimin saw me not uttering a word and looked at me.

"Ay um, Dahyun and I will take a walk" Jimin announced.

"Where and when are you guys coming back?" Bambam asks.

"Over protective much" Jimin says rolling his eyes.

"No but where though?" Tae oppa asks.

"We'll probably go to the convenience store" Jimin answers and grabs my hand.

"We'll be leaving" I say.

"Yah! Take care of her!" Bambam and Tae oppa say in unison.

"Yah! I'm her oppa! Don't take my place!" Tae oppa pouted at Bambam.

Jimin and I left and walked in silence.

"So you okay?" Jimin finally talks.

"Nah, it's just weird realizing my crush for the past five years is actually my cousin" I vent out.

"Well at least now you know who to pick" Jimin says.

"What do you mean mr.Park?" I ask.

"You know. . .a guy who you can depend on. . .a guy who can give you chocolate and flowers every once in while. . ." Jimin started.

"Eh!?" I say in utter confusion.

"What I mean is, now you know who will be your boyfriend now that Bambam is out of the picture!" Jimin says.

"Who then?" Dahyun asks.

"Na(me)" he pointed at himself shyly.

"Tsk, yeah right!" I laughed at his joke and pushed him like how Nayeon unnie pushes Jeongyeon unnie when the joke is funny.

"Ani-ya!" He pouted but then looked at me in a seducing way. "I'm serious Dahyun".


*To be continued. . .

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