11. Pretending

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**Dahyun POV**

Why is Jimin here!?

I then went into the passengers seat.

I looked at Jimin as he flexed his glasses.

"How did you know I was here?" I ask him.

He took off his glasses and looked at me.

"I saw you third wheeling them as you guys came here" Jimin says.

"And you didn't pull up to me and drive me there instead!?" I say pissed.

"You chose to come with them! Plus, you looked cute with a pink umbrella" Jimin cooed as he played with my cheeks.

I blushed badly until I see Bambam coming closer to the car.

"He's coming towards us!" I say freaking out.

"What do I say!? Who do I do!? Should I--mmmph!"

Before I knew it, Jimin kissed me.

I opened my eyes lightly as I saw Bambam turn around and leave towards Lisa unnie.

"Yah stop it!" I say as I pushed his chest away.

I'm blushing!

"You're lucky I did that, you would've had to talk to him" he says.

"Was there any other better ideas in your mind that have nothing to do with a lip-to-lip action? Unless you just randomly thought of kissing me. . ." I say.

"Strong of you to say that but, it's quite true" Jimin says.

I started laughing to try and not fill the car with awkwardness.

"Tsk, admit it!" He says.

"Admit what!?" I ask annoyed.

"You liked my soft plumped lips" Jimin says as he starts driving.

"Eh!? You wish!" I say as I crossed my arms.

He then stopped the car onto a parking lot.

What is he doing?

He came up to me went in front of me.

I thought he was gonna do something to me but he just ended up putting my seatbelt on.

He then started driving.

"Learn how to put a seatbelt on Dahyun" Jimin says as he turns.

"Eodi-gah?" I ask.

"We're going to my house" he says casually.

"Wae-yo?" I ask.

"Nayeon noona is there, she says she's hanging out with Jin hyung" he says.

"Okay," I say.

When we got there, I saw Nayeon unnie, Jin oppa, and I think they're Jimins parents.

They were chatting for some reason.

"Annyeong!" I greeted them.

"You must be Kim Dahyun" Jimins Eomma says.

"Ne, Annyeonghasey~o" I bow.

"Eomma, Appa, why are you guys here?" Jimin asks.

"Yah! You should be happy and welcoming us here!" Jimins eomma scolded.

Jin oppa snickered.

"Jwesong-haeyo" Jimin says and hugs them.

"Bogoshipda!" His eomma cooed as she stretched Jimins cheeks.

Me and Jin oppa laughed.

"Well me and your Eomma have to leave, we have a meeting" His Appa says and off the couple went.

*The next day. . .

It was lunch, lots of people came to our table since the boys won a basketball game yesterday in which Bambam is in.

"Joy! Are you on that dating site again!?" Irene asks her.

"Yeah! So what? I want a boyfriend" Joy aegyo.

"There's lots of guys here in school tho" Irene says.

"So? All the guys here aren't my type, who can agree with me? Who has a boyfriend outside of school???" Joy asks the group of friends.

"Dahyun does" Lisa unnie casually says.


Oh no. . .

"What? Jinjja-yo? Dahyun tell us!" Sana asks excitedly.

Should I. . .

"I have a boy I'm seeing. . ." I say shyly.

Everyone in the table looked at me as they said "wowwww!"

I blushed badly.

"What's his name!?!?" Jisoo unnie asks.

"Um. . .it's. . ."

What if Jimin gets mad at me if I use his name!?

Before I could even say something, Lisa unnie spills.

"It's a guy named Park Jimin I think" Lisa unnie says.

. . .

Oh no she didn't. . .

Through out the week, all eyes were on me.

I was the Tea.

Everyone thought it was unique and super cool a boy out of school liked me.

I haven't told Jimin about it tho.

I'm too scared to.

Although there were some girls who gave me dirty looks.

A/N hoped you liked this update, vote and comment.

Please be aware of what you touch and what the people do around you in public. Keep distance and use hand sanitizer!!!!

It's corona time. . .

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