Chapter 1

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January 19th 2013

“One last illusion spin and we’re done for the day”

I nodded at my coach and cracked my knuckles. With an inside left spin entrance, I swung with my torso, quickly finding the balance on the ball of the blade, swiftly swinging my left leg backwards in the air and my body dips downwards and hear the sound of the edge of my blade shifting against the ice and after a split second I’m back in a basic back spin position.

Coach Jeremy clapped slowly and shoved one hand in his pocket. “Your illusion spin is more consistent, and it’s really improving you might want to think of using it for your self-choreographed program in this year’s summer competition”

I grinned and did a little celebration jump.

“Are you sure you don’t want to see another spin? Or a jump? Maybe dance step?” I asked, eager to skate just a little more.

He chuckled and pat my back “Take a break Ceres, we can’t extend the lesson any longer, you need to go to school now you’ll be late”

I looked up to the digital clock on the wall of the ice rink and sighed in defeat and zipped up my team jacket and glided towards the entrance-exit.

“Why are you all down in the dumps anyway? It’s your birthday! Don’t you want to go to school and celebrate?” He inquired half-amused.

I sat down and began to untie my boots and stared at the grey colour of the bench

“That’s like asking why don’t you go and celebrate in hell”

I took a deep breath and walked into the school with the cold air in my nose, pushing my earphones deeper in, I looked at the familiar school building and bit my lip, ignoring the odd looks from students in the older year like I have been since I could remember.

Walking across the campus field, I headed straight to my classroom for first period Spanish.

Aside from German, Spanish is the only academic lesson I really enjoy, I loathe Science and Mathematics, hence why I didn’t take it for the A-levels. 

As soon as I opened the door, my eyes zeroed in on the pitch-black darkness of my Spanish classroom.

I froze in the doorway, unsure of what was happening. Had the caretakers not switched on the lights for this room? Or was something wrong?

The hair at the back of my neck stood up when someone bumped into me from behind and a familiar voice that disgusted me rang out.

“What the heck!” 

The lights switched on and all my Spanish classmates were standing on the chairs with their arms and grins stretched out and in unison they yelled out ‘¡Feliz cumpleaños! Happy Birthday Ceres!”

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened in surprise, did all these people actually care about my birthday? 

An older male voice spoke nearby and turned to see my loving Spanish teacher who had an adorable party hat on, smile painted on and clapping his hands.

The thought clicked in my head, of course, my Spanish teacher had arranged it! He is fond of me, more so than the other students and it wouldn’t be surprising for him to do something so considerate for me!

“¡Feliz cumpleaños Ceres! Ahora eres diecesiete años” Señor Medina exclaimed

I stared back speechless, partly due to my failure to produce words and partly due to hoping I wouldn’t say anything stupid in front of the girl who would go to wicked lengths to ruin me.  

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