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Steven sighed as he leaned back on the chair he was given, listening to White Diamond ramble on and on about how much they missed him.

"Don't you guys have Spinel now though?" Steven asked as he gestured to said gem, who was talking with Yellow Diamond.

"Well, yes, but it's still nice to get to talk to you sometimes, Steven." Blue Diamond said, smiling at him. He nodded a little, agreeing. He noticed Blue Diamond's smile grow ever so slightly, and it seemed White Diamond noticed as well.

"You just can't wait, can you?" She muttered, slightly annoyed.

"No, of course not! Steven, you'll never believe what we've done!" Blue Diamond exclaimed excitedly. Steven raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"What did you do?" He asked.

"We've created a brand new type of gem, and we want you to take care of her!" Blue Diamond said, pointing her finger towards him happily. Steven looked up at her in confusion.

"New gem? What do you mean? Where is she?" He asked as  he looked around.

"Spinel, would you mind getting her?" Yellow Diamond asked.

"Of course! I'll be right back!" Spinel said as she rushed towards the large ship just behind them. White Diamond watched her until she disappeared inside. She sighed, turning to Steven.

"We were going to wait until we were about to leave to tell you, but I guess Blue just couldn't wait." She said.

"She's a joy to have around! And she's so different, so special. She reminds me of you, Steven." Blue Diamond said, giggling.

Before anyone could say anything else, they heard the ship doors open, Spinel's voice distant and barely audible as she spoke with the gem. As they approached, Spinel stood in front of the gem so Steven couldn't see her.

"Steven, meet Euclase!" Spinel said as she stepped out of the way to reveal a slightly smaller girl. Steven's eyes grew wide at the strange gem. She looked like a human. He didn't see a gem anywhere on her body, and her outfit was melded to her body.

She had h/l, blue hair, with h/c ends made of what looked like a gem. She had e/c eyes, and s/c skin. She wore a black dress with a white collar, and white sleeve collars. She wore short, white socks with black, short high heels.

"Hello, Steven." Euclase said as she approached him. "It is very nice to meet you. I have heard so much about you."

"We made her to be more like humans, so she can live like you. She wasn't made with light, instead her whole body is her gem. We painted her to look more like the humans here. She can do whatever she wants here." Blue Diamond said.

"This is... Amazing! When did you guys make her?" Steven asked.

"I was made around only 1 Earth rotation ago." Euclase answered.

"So only 24 hours ago? Wow, you've got a lot to learn if you're going to live here." Steven said.

"We hope you can handle this, Steven. I know you've been busy lately, but we really wanted to do this." Blue Diamond said.

"It'll be fine! I'm glad to have her here!" Steven said, smiling at the girl. She was right around his height, so he didn't have to look up to see her.

"That's wonderful! Anyway, I'm sad to say it, but we must be on our way. We'll see you later, Steven!" White Diamond said as she stood up, the other Diamonds doing so as well as they entered their ship, leaving.

Steven waved goodbye as he watched the ship leave, smiling. He then turned to the gem beside him.

"So, Euclase, right?" He asked.

𝕞𝕚𝕕𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕓𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕫𝕖𝕤 // steven universe x readerWhere stories live. Discover now