Day 5

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image of jasmine

School schedule -

First are two classes then comes brunch then third class but fourth class depends if you have first lunch (first half of the school then later goes the second half) which I have then the last remaining of them(3 to be exact).


1.Biology 4.extra class

2. Band 5.Regular English 9

3.Algebra 2 6.Spanish 1

Classes are in charge of 4 which each run one of these 4 groups that help students: medical, art, nature and sport. Almost forgetting the exceptional which make it five in total.(There are also similar schools who use same system but they name it differently. They could also adjust it to their standards which could meaning removing one group.)


The next morning wasn't any better than the other days. For which I expected the whole school to be full of rumors of me. Like if l didn't had enough of them already. I took out a pair of navy blue pants and a brown long sleeve shirt with black running shoes plus a black hoodie sweater. When I got to the bus stop I waited till everyone got inside and hoping that they left a seat for me. When I went inside the only seat open was the one at the back so I just put my hoodie on. To tell you I would use usually get gum in my hair from people in the bus. I keep my eyes on the floor expecting someone to trip me. When it came I just fumble but the next step was a surprise and I was ready to fall but I didn't feel any pain till I heard a familiar voice. When I looked up it was Joel one of the few I could call a friend kinda. He is a bit taller than me with straight brown hair. His hair style was to have his bangs over his right eye that ended right on the tip of his shoulder with the rest of his hair. His eye were a sparkly silver which out shown for his light skin color. He told me to sit with him but at the moment I refused he just pulled my arm and I fell next to him. I could feel my checks go red so I just hide in my hoodie. When we got to school Joel softly told me to meet him during brunch.

....time pass it's brunch....

When I got my snack from the snacks bar I was leading myself to my spot where I usually go to but Joel was waiting for me there. When I was about to turn and leave, he just had to call me over.

Joel said: Jasmine, I want to ask you something.

Me: What do you want now. (In an annoyed attitude.)

Joel said: Wow. I just wanted to know if you where okay and ask you if you really going to joined a gang.

I just fell to the floor laughing and told him between my breath's.

Me: No it just a bunch of roomers.

I thought he would have known it was a lie but everyone has those moments of doubt. When the bell rang he softly

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