Arnav's talk.......

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The camp was going on in full swing. Arnav was sitting on one corner of the place looking at the children running and playing happily.

Kushi came out and saw that he was sitting and admiring the children.

Kushi - Thanks for all this arrangements......

Arnav smiled sadly and nodded his head. Kushi - What happened ?

Arnav nodded as No and went from there mingling into the children playing with them. But Kushi knew from the smile he had given...... He is upset...... But why ? What could have upset him ? He was happy few moments back....... Then what happened suddenly ?

Time passed away and it was a time to wrap up. Arnav - So bye babies...... As today is Children's day along with my wife's birthday........ I wanna give you all something.......

Children - What Bhaiya ?

Arnav smiled and moving into a tent he bought two big bags. Kids jumped seeing it.

Arnav - I hope you all like it......

He gave them a packet with the help of juniors and orphanage volunteers....... Kids opened the packet and saw that there is a colour books, Colours and a big chocolate in it. They all got so happy and thanked him and went with their respective volunteers to their home.

The hospital people called it a day as it was almost evening. Everyone bid bye to them and went away.

Arnav looked at Kushi and moved ahead while she followed him thinking about the sudden change in him. The whole journey to home was a very silent one. Arnav didn't even glanced at her. His focus was only on the road.

Once at home he parked the vehicle and got down from his seat and went back to pick something from the back when Kushi not seeing his hand shut the door. Arnav jumped shrieking.......

Kushi got shocked seeing him shouting and throwing his hands in air. She saw blood was pouring from his palms.

She gasped and took his palms in her hands and saw there was a cut in his hands. She cried.

Kushi - Iam so sorry. I didn't see.

Arnav tried to smile - It's ok Kushi. Iam fine.....

Kushi - Don't lie. Come inside.

She pulled him inside and made him sit on the bed. He hissed in pain. Kushi ran and bought the first aid kit and started to aid his wound.

Kushi's tears were no where to stop. Arnav kept on looking at Kushi - Don't cry Kushi.

Kushi - 'Will you keep quiet ? ' she said getting angry.

Arnav kept silent and after few minutes - Kushi you are a doctor and you must have seen many blood sheds like this. You didn't cry then..... Why now ?

Kushi glared at him thinking 'Because they are not my husband dammit. It doesn't give me pain like now Iam going through' But didn't voice out.

Arnav sighed not getting any answers and pulled his hands tying bandage on his own self.

Arnav - I'll do it myself Kushi. Don't worry........

Kushi - Right. You can do that yourself. Who am I to you to worry for you ?

Arnav - I didn't mean it that way Kushi.......

Kushi - Then what the hell you meant ? Why are you here now ?

Arnav looked at her calmly - Don't get angry Kushi. Please....

Kushi - No tell me why are you here at the first place ?

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