Chapter one

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 It was a rainy April in Italy 

The town was buzzing about the new girl that was going to get picked to be the new royal heir 

I was terrified knowing that it was my turn this year the only thing I wanted to do was run and escape to a life were I could make my own decisions not settle to a life  were the watchers pick for me 

Let me explain a little, in Rome Italy everyone  is obsess with the royals and technology. The government created a game were girls are picked to have a life of dreams as royalty but what they don't say is you loose the freedom you once had, you are not allowed to make decisions other girls make them for you

The worst part is that everything is televised for everyone to watch and cameras follow your every move except when you are in your room that  is the only private part you get 

The prince that is looking for a wife is Axle, he is tall with blonde hair and green eyes  the prince is only 25 and he wants someone who will make him better and bring change to Italy the only problem you have is what  if you can't bring yourself to the idea of marrying him if you get chosen 

You dream of a love that will make you the happiest, that will bring joy to your life not something rushed and with no emotions attached to it 

My mom is calling me to come inside, they are announcing who is going get picked, we were celebrating my birthday even thought it was a week ago, we were so busy with life that we forgot 

I was eating a piece of cake when the lady on the TV said my name Belle Smith is the girl who is moving to the palace to marry Axle if that's what the watchers choose 

The day you fear the most came sooner than later, my mom was in tears she couldn't believe that I will have a better life where I wouldn't wonder what I will eat tomorrow 

I hugged her but I didn't tell her how I actually felt she went to the room to get everything ready I was left alone only with my mind going around in circles wondering what now 

what will I do 

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