Chapter 3

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I got dressed and ready for the long day that waited for me with the lovely Mason 

I waited for him by the stables when he got their I couldn't stop looking at him  he was wearing black jeans and riding boots a white shirt that hugged his muscles he was clean shaved that made his jawline pop and his blue eyes looked so sad like something was bothering him 

How can I be so clingy to him when he was so rude to me in the other hand I looked like a wreck my long dark brown hair was in a bun and I was wearing pants and ridding boots with a blue shirt they gave me

Are you done drooling over me 

oh yeah sure keep flattering yourself that I want you 

He pulls me close to him and whispers

I have to apologize on they way I acted yesterday is not right to offend the girlfriend of my brother and by the way has he told you his secret 

What are you talking about you keep getting in my nerves you drive me nuts lets get to ridding before I slap you again

You slap me again and I will kiss you 

He got a black stallion and he told me to ride with him and then we will get me a horse he says grab tight so you won't fall he starts laughing like he was crazy 

He took me to a beautiful fountain in the middle of the forest what are we doing here I wanted to show you something beautiful like you 

oh stop being annoying 

my brother got lucky with you but to bad he will never love you the way I can 

 I was sitting in the fountain looking at my reflection when I see that he is behind me looking at me with so much desire and want in his eyes 

You just want me because I'm forbidden and a soon I give myself to you then you will look for a new girl who you can do the same with  what then I will be crying my pain away and you will not be affected by anything 

You are so wrong I want you and bad I get up to leave when he grabs a hold of my waist and pulls me to him those brown eyes are making me crazy belle I just want to kiss  you and forget about everything 

I push him away and grab a horse and ride until I get to the castle I don't even see if he is following me I get to my room an Axle is their saying he has to tell me something important

What happened I need to end this with you I can't go pretending that I will love you someday when I love someone else 

I grab his hand lets keep pretending until the watchers decide are wedding day and that day we confess our secret sounds like a plan he gives me a kiss on the cheek and leaves 


I'm in the restroom and I hear the door of my room being opened and closed I get out the restroom and their is mason sitting in the corner of the bed what are you doing here get out 

Why do you push me away when you know you feel the same thing I feel nothing I don't what your talking about plus my brother already told you he doesn't love you so why not us try to have a relationship don't make me laugh I will never be dating you I 'm sorry  Your hot but your attitude stinks and your personality is ugly 

He picks me up an sets me in the top of the vanity he starts playing with my hair I move his hand away Why do you make it so hard for me to flirt with you because I'm afraid of falling so hard for you don't be scared I will not hurt you I will love you with everything I have I loose my arrogant behavior for you I will become a new me for you 

Yeah right everything sounds to perfect to be true what about what others will say are age difference or our social class he puts his finger on my lips and says shh don't start with that drama lets live our story with no worry in secret

we are millimetres from our lips to connect he lick his lips he wants  to kiss me I get up and walk to the balcony that is outside my window he follows me and makes me face him what are you doing what game are you playing he doesn't let me finish when he kisses me with so much passion and desire I let myself fall in to the kiss knowing is wrong

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