Chapter 13

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its been 5 weeks 

We haven't hear or seen anything on the tv about the queen and its very rare that she hasn't said anything everything has been quiet and still like nothing can go wrong its feels actually weird living a life with no exceptions 

Mason has been getting ready because we are having a picnic in the backyard I turn the tv on and I'm scared by what I see in the screen I knew something was coming up She is crying and saying that I have brainwashed Mason on leaving with me that I don't actually love him I just want his money and power I tell Mason to come and see this he comes running in to the living room She continues by saying that whoever finds me and Mason they will receive a reward that they have to take us back to the castle then the microphone is passed to the girl who Mason is supposed to marry her name is Abigail her appearance its so opposite from mine she is tall skinny gorgeous green eyes and long blonde hair she's beautiful  she says how much she misses him and she wants him with her to life a happy life I can't believe the lies they are saying  what I'm going to do this girl Abigail acts like she knows Mason she has never even cross paths with him or even shared a word how can people be so easily manipulated 

The queen says an one more thing Belle's mom is here she wants to tell her daughter something Belle please return if not their going to make you pay please Belle listen to me the queen laughs and says well that is everything and we hope that our Mason will return and Belle your mom will be waiting for you here in the castle so don't you worry I will take care of her I have to sit down because its to much to soon I can't believe that bitch has my mom I know she told me  hurtful things last time I saw here but she is mom she has always been their for me I need to go save her I get up Mason hugs me and tells me Belle don't bottle up you feelings let them out I start crying he hugs me tighter I stay in his embrace for what it seems like a long time but I don't want to let him go but I know I have to save my mom 

Mason I'm sorry but I have to end this with you I need you to be okay and if it means for us not to be together than I guess that is what I have to do I don't mean to hurt you but I can't see my mom get hurt or you that's why I'm letting you go I will turn myself in to the queen and you will marry Abigail this is the only way we can be save 

Belle don't do this I know what your thinking and if I was in your place I will shut everyone out but I'm not going to let you I love you to much Belle to let you go stop trying to push me away we are doing this together I can't have you risk your life for me you deserve to life your life to the fullest no Belle you don't get to decide we decide together your my fiancee not a stranger we are a team I know its not going to be easy but we have each other I know your scared of loosing me but I can't live without you so please Belle let me be with you don't push me away let me show you how much I love you by fighting for us 

We are going to go to the castle tell my mother and everyone that we love each other and that is never going to change no matter how many obstacles they throw in our way  he kisses me I try to push him away but his grip gets tighter at first I try to avoid the kiss but I give in to his touch his kiss is desperate and passionate like he wishes we will stay together forever but we both no that is not going to be easy we go and have our picnic like nothing happened I fake that I'm happy but the only thing in my mind its my mom how can the queen hurt me this much I'm wrong for loving Mason I don't know what to think anymore or how to feel I make a plan to escape during the night and leave to the castle but I have to wait for Mason to fall a sleep 

Mason looks at me like he knows what I'm thinking Belle whatever your planning to do lets not do it we make our way inside the house we are surprised by the presence of Asher what are you doing here I came to take you to the castle myself I want the reward mate Me and Mason look at each other for what do next I hold on tight to Mason I'm scared on what Asher might do  

Come on mate move we need to get you to the castle so I can cash that reward I won't hurt Belle just let me take her Mason grabs hold of me you better not fucken touch her we are going to turn ourselves in we don't need you to take us Asher grabs Mason by the hands and pulls him outside to his car he tries to push out of his grip but he can't I tell Asher to let him go but he doesn't listen he puts Mason in the back seat of his suv I tell him that I 'll get on the in the back with him   he tells me to sit in the passenger seat I'm so afraid that he might hurt me I obey like a coward and sit I see that Mason is tired and pissed if he wants to fight him this time I won't stop him he gets on like he is the man please he is an edit he looks at me and tells Belle you are so beautiful but especially right know that your mad I ignore what he says and I look at reflection of Mason he wishes he could slap him the ride is quite we stop in a gas station he finishes putting gas in car but he says he needs to use the restroom I tell Mason that this is our change he jumps and sits on the drivers seat and locks the door and gets to driving for our luck Asher doesn't see us he stays in the gas station like an edit we take the longest ride to the castle neither one of us wants to go but we have to face our truth 

He stops in a restaurant  and he turns to look at me Belle let me know what your thinking I know your mad and unhappy an wish we lived a different life sometimes Mason I wish I could be a girl in a book who here life was easy and simple with no complications and she gets to love with no hesitations and regrets he unbuckles his seat belt an monitions me to go sit on his lap he pulls me close to him Belle you should never feel like that you should have the right to love who you want I know our love is seen as something not right but if they knew how we feel when we don't have each other when you were gone that one week we were separated you are going to call me dramatic but I don't  care I started drinking and loosing myself I thought that will make you stay by my side like that will make me happy  I never want to feel like that I want to be happy and show you that everyday I love you more than the last I love you so much I can't afford to loose you 

Tears are rolling down my cheek Mason you don't have idea how much I love you when I'm not with you I feel so lost before I meet you I had never had a boyfriend before or felt love for another I know you might think I'm dumb but seriously I was afraid to let myself feel love I feel that it only brought pain instead of happiness I grab his hand look  how fast my hearth beats when I'm with you I had never felt that before I can afford to loose you so I'm willing to give you up if that means I will stop you from suffering 

Belle I need you I will suffer if I don't have you don't ever say that I will suffer more without you I fell in love whit you I had never felt that before  I was a jerk because I was scared of what I was feeling I thought that will make me not feel but it did the opposite it made me so crazy of love for you I had never felt that feeling before I'm afraid of what is going to happen  but a least we have each other and this love to keep fighting for our happiness I love you Belle never forget that he kisses me with so much affection and desperation we both need each other  but are we ever going to be truly happy 

we continue our way to the castle he has his hand in mine the rest of the ride I wish I could stay with him forever and life happy ever after will that ever happened 

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