chapter 8

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In the fountain I sit down and he sits next to me I look at him with confusion on why he took me here he grabs my hand and tells me he wants to dance theirs no music and I don't know how 

I'll show you he grabs me by the waist and we start dancing or pretending to I rest my head in his shoulders he lifts up my my head and kisses me in the background I  hear noises and cameras flashing we got caught and the world now knows the secret we been hiding he pulls away but the damage has already been made everyone has seen us kissing live and the watchers have to make a decision on my future the guards pull me away from him I hear Mason yelling my name and wanting to run but he has been stopped by more guards  they put me on a prison cell were I will wait what happens next to me 

I close my eyes and let my tears make me fall a sleep I opened them and its morning so they have made a decision and I never been more terrified and scared in my life 

They take me out of the prison cell and tell me to wear what I arrived with that was some blue jeans a white shirt and some black vans I make my way to the balcony of the royal house and I take a seat in a chair facing a big screen next to me theirs another chair the guards are bringing Mason to sit on the empty chair he looks tired and his face is bruised up the only thing I want is to hold him in my arms but I can't he turns to look at me with sadness and fear he reaches for my hand I give it to him what ever happens Belle never forget how much I love you and that you will always be the one that has my heart 

I jump out of my seat and run and hug him he grabs me and sits me on his lap everyone is watching us but I didn't care I just wanted to be with him

He grabs me and lifts me so I'm sitting on his lap I hug him so hard and tears are rolling down my face not wanting to let him go He lifts my chin and kisses me with so much passion and love guards are trying to push us away but we don't let go 

The watchers have decide to sent me away and for Mason to marry someone who they choose and Axle my ex fiance has decide to marry Mike the guard and he has the support of the watchers but I'm seen as a girl who is a gold digger not someone who is in love 

I listen to their decision mason grip gets tighter like he is afraid of letting me go they give us 10 minutes to say our good byes 

Axle looks at me with anger and disappointment like how could I messed it all up for his brother but the doesn't  know how much I love him and the queen is their to judging and wishing I was gone and out of her son's lives the queen doesn't like that Axle is marrying a man she doesn't accept that her son loves him and will do anything to stop the wedding I hope Axle gets the happiness he deserves after I betrayed him 

I get up and Mason grabs my hand and tells me to follow him I want to run but theirs no way out 

I follow him to his room he hands me a card and a little box he tells me not to open it until I'm gone I give him one last hug and tell him how much I'm going to miss him and that I will never forget about our love he lifts my chin and kisses me with so much passion and urgency almost desperate to let me know that he will always love me 

They come knocking at the door and separate me from him I scream but that is not going to save me I'm put a blindfold so I don't see where their taking me 

On the drive I cry and cry if that is going to change what has happened 

Nothing will change what happened those are the consequences of my actions

The car comes to a stop they take off the blindfold and leave me their with no explanations I'm  standing in a tiny apartment and next to it is a bookstore theirs is no one only me it seems like not a lot of people live here 

I make my way inside the bookstore its so beautiful and small their is an old lady in the register I tell her that I'm new that I'm looking for somewhere to stay and work she offers me a job and tells me I can stay in the apartment next door 

The first thing I do go inside in the apartment and theirs only a bed a bathroom and a small stove and a table in the corner its so sad  I go and take a bath so I can refresh myself from all the problems I have I cry for so long wishing I was with Mason but that will never happen again I have lost the only person who made me believe that love existed I hope that he is okay but he will never be the same 

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