Henry & The Woodpeckers

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Arabella's POV

Schwoz, my dad, and I had just returned from our camping trip. It was great, until a bunch of squirrels attacked me and I got scratches and cuts everywhere, and I mean everywhere.

Going to the bathroom for a week will be a blast.

I returned first and saw Henry and Charlotte. They saw me and both smiled.

"Hey, how was your camping trip?"

"Great! Until a group of squirrels decided to attack me and I tumbled down a mountain!" I exclaim with irritation and I marched forward. "And my dad and Schwoz were no help whatsoever!"

"Are you okay?" Henry asked.

"Yeah! All these scratches and cuts feel fantastic!" I snap and drop my bags on the floor.

"Sorry for asking." Henry apologized and I huffed.

"Do you want me to get you anything?" Charlotte asked and I nod.

"A bunch of bandages would be nice. Thank you." I smile and Charlotte goes into the back to get some.

My wrist was bleeding and I winced in pain.

"Hey, you're bleeding. Here..." Henry gently grabbed my wrist and I looked up at the him. He picked up a rag and gently dabbed it, until the bleeding slowed down.

"Thanks..." I awkwardly say with pink cheeks and remove my hand from him.


It became awkward until Charlotte returned with bandages and I was relieved.


"Thank you." I say and start to wrap my arms up with the bandages.

The alarm beeped and my dad and Schwoz got shot down the tubes with their bags. They both had beards, because they couldn't shave them on the trip.

"We're back!"

"Hey, how was your camping trip for you two?" Charlotte and I sniffled.

"Oh, it was so much fun!" Schwoz smiled. "I went swimming in Lake Swellview.

"Which would've been great if he'd brought a swimsuit." My dad mocked.

"What's wrong with swimming naked?" Schwoz asked.

"Everything!" I exclaim and finish wrapping up my arms. The cuts still sting, but at least they are covered. "You were scaring the fish."

"Sweetie, how are you?"

"Damaged!" I remark and my dad kissed my head. "You let me get attacked and then fall down a mountain!

"I...I was making sure the squirrels weren't stealing our food!" He protested and I stared at him, before rolling my eyes. "You'll be fine, injuries heal."

"But the memory is permanent!"

"I love you?" He questioned and I moved away from him.

Schwoz walked by me. "I'm going to my room and shave off my beard."

My dad laughed. "You call that a beard?"

Schwoz turned around. "Yeah. What else would I call this?"

"You could call it a face brush!" Henry suggested and I snickered.

"I'm just saying 'this' is the start of a real man's beard!" My dad laughs, gesturing to his larger beard.

"Psh!" Schwoz said. "I can grow more hair on my rump than you can grow on your face!"

"That's gross." I mention and Charlotte agreed.

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