Space Invaders

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Arabella's POV

"Schwoz! I can see you!" My dad called to Schwoz, who was hiding from us on the ceiling.

"Go away!" He snapped at us.

Two astronauts are being held hostage in outer space by an unknown intruder and my dad and Henry are planning to go to space to save them. Schwoz has a rocket called the 'Love Shuttle' and he is refusing to let my dad and Henry use it. Schwoz built that rocket because he wants to have his honeymoon on the actual moon if he ever gets married, but I don't think that will happen any time soon. He built himself a girlfriend and she turned into a bird and flew away, that says a lot about Schwoz and how he is with girls. So, now Charlotte, my dad, and I are trying to get Schwoz down from the ceiling so he can give us the key to launch the rocket.

My dad got impatient and fired the blaster at Schwoz , but missed and bunch of rumble fell to the ground.

"Ha! You missed you!" Schwoz laughed.

"How did he get up there?" Charlotte asked us and I shrugged.

"Come on, Schwoz." I smiled and formed vines around my arms. "You're gonna have to come down from there eventually."

"Leave me alone!" Schwoz yelled and this irritated my dad.

"Come on, Schwoz! I need it!"

My dad fired his blaster again, but missed him.

"No! I'm saving it for marriage!" Schwoz yelled and the alarm blared. Henry got shot down the tube and greeted us.


"Hi, Henry." Schwoz greeted

"Woah! What the-why is Schwoz-"

My dad fired his blaster again, cutting off Henry.

"Missed missed me! You are very stupid!" Schwoz taunted.

"Those are not the lyrics!" My dad snapped and fired again, but this time he got Schwoz's shoe.

"Ah! My shoe!"

Schwoz's shoe fell to the floor.

"Okay, what is going on?" Henry asked us, staring up the Schwoz.

"Schwoz won't give my dad the launch key to his little rocket ship." I tell Henry.

"Why won't he-Schwoz has a rocket ship?!" Henry asked me with shock and I nodded.

"It's called the 'Love Shuttle.'" Schwoz informed us.

"Why did Schwoz build a love shuttle?" Henry asked.

"For his honeymoon." My dad answered.

"Yeah, he says that when he gets married he wants to have his honeymoon on the actual moon!" Charlotte explained and Henry rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you just go to Hawaii instead?" I suggested. "They have pineapples and oxygen!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Schwoz! You're not gonna get married!" My dad snapped fired at Schwoz again, but missed and made more rumble fall to the floor.

"It could happen! There's women out there who will take anybody!" Schwoz argued and my dad groaned.

"Give me that key!" My dad yelled and rapid fired the blaster at Schwoz out of anger. "Ahhhhh!"

Henry pulled me away and held me as my dad fired the blaster. Once my dad stopped, Henry put a hand on his shoulder.

"I think you might be overreacting." Henry commented.

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