Danger and Thunder

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(Quick note: I wrote this chapter for my Thundermans stories, so part of it was written, but I made some changes because the POV was different for my character Arabella. Lindsey, my OC in my Thunderman books makes an appearance in this. So, if you want to learn more about her, check out my Thunderman stories and you can read about her. She's dating Max Thunderman and is a superhero named Echo Girl. This book never would've happened without my Thunderman stories, so go give them some love)

Arabella's POV

"Hey, if you were Dr. Minyak, and you just broke out of prison, where would you hide?" My dad asks Henry and I.

There's been a huge crime wave in Swellview recently and my dad and Henry were exhausted from fighting all these criminals. What makes it worse, is that Dr. Minyak is out of prison and now my dad and Henry need capture him and every other villain and put them in jail so this crime wave can be over.

It's also been three days since Henry and I had our...elevator kiss. It's been tense and uncomfortable for the both of us, because Henry's been really upset about it. I know he likes me and I like him, but I don't know if I want to date him right now. I just can't imagine it. I don't like seeing him this sad and I don't know what to do. I think Henry and I need to get passed this and just move on. We're friends and that's all we can ever be.

Henry and I constantly made awkward eye contact and I hated it. It was so uncomfortable and weird, despite him having beautiful brown eyes that you could get lost in for days.

Bella, stop. You need to move on.

"I don't know." Henry sighed. "Omar's Pizza?"

"Why Omar's Pizza?" My dad asked.

"They have good pizza?" Henry questioned.

"You wanna order one?" My dad suggested.

"Nah, I'm too depressed to eat." Henry looked right at me when he said that and I turned my head away with a guilty look.

The elevator doors opened and Charlotte and Schwoz walked out.

"C'mon! Look at my eyes, and my chin!" Schwoz begged and Charlotte turns to him.

"Oh, give it up, Schwoz." Charlotte remarked. "You do not look like Uncle Jesse from Full House."

"Bah!" Schwoz exclaimed.

"Charlotte. Char." I heard my dad call Charlotte over and I looked at them as they talked, but couldn't hear them. I didn't make any eye contact with Henry, but I knew he was staring at me with those amazing eyes of his.

Bella, stop. This is bad.

"Bella." Charlotte waves me ove me and I went up to them.


"Why did you tell Henry you don't like him?" My dad asked me quietly.

"Because...oh I don't know." I sighed. "I just panicked and told him that."

"He obviously likes you and you like him." Charlotte mentioned and I inched my neck. "I mean, look how sad he is."

I glanced back at Henry and he was staring down his drink with a sad look.

"I know he's sad, but I'm not gonna let his sorrow pity me." I remark. "No matter how much it pains me."

"But I just don't understand-"

My dad got cut off by the emergency alarm blaring and we all looked up.

"Hey. That's the alarm for Junk-N-Stuff." I say and my dad sits down, checking the situation.

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