#..eleven ❜

392 34 1



mark lee

something's different today

While waiting in a doctor's office for said doctor's medical verdict, Mark couldn't think of anything else than a younger boy, with whom he had interwined pinkies, and the intoxicating smell of flowery perfume. The moon was shining through the big open windows, letting the cool breeze touch his skin and the silvery shine illuminate Donghyuck. Sitting in a hospital chair, starring at a certain brunette made him realize how beautiful the boy really was. From his sun kissed skin and light brown hair to his pretty eyes, it felt like Mark had been blessed.

He never would have imagined having someone like Donghyuck standing by his side right now. He didn't know if it was because of the pain that made him slightly dizzy or the fact that Donghyuck was really beautiful or if it was the whole soulmates ordeal, but Mark felt a warm feeling rushing through his blood. Sweet like honey. Warm, just like the sunshine.

"You're starring."

Shit. Instead of responding, and probably further embarrassing himself, Mark decided to just remove his pinky and properly hold his soulmate's hand. The former looked up and saw a faint smile. A faint smile that meant so much.

"You know, Mark, I didn't think you would be the clingy type."

"Well in my defense, your hand was cold." That was a lie. Mark knew it. Donghyuck knew it. In fact, the raised eyebrow and open mouth appeared to be judging him but they slowly softened, replaced by a giggle.

"You're hopeless. Why were you even in my house? I mean, I really thought you were a robber, like no joke."

"Well actually, it's going to sound dumb. Like I'm going to be seen as a dumbass." Mark took a deep breath and mumbled the following words quickly, "I might have been playing a game with my dumb friends, a game of hide and seek. In the dark. In a rich neighborhood. And I might have needed a hiding spot."

Confusion settled itself on Donghyuck's face, "So you just went in my room? I could've called the police."

"But you didn't."

"It really is that simple to break in, huh?"

"I mean don't you have buff bodyguards that could easily break my nose?"

"Well, yes but not in my room!"

They were interrupted by someone enterring.Their conversation had made Mark forget why he was even here.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Park." He shook each of their hands, "Right so, sorry for the wait, I've looked at your x-ray scans and I think we should put you in a cast. You fractured your Ulna and we'll need to immobilize it."

Mark gulped. Of course he knew he would have to get something on his arm.

"Can I look at your arm, to see how swollen it is and your degree of pain."

Mark nodded and helped himself move his arm with his other hand, which had left the comfort and warmth of Donghyuck's. He positioned his arm in the doctor's hand. The man started putting pressure on various spots and asking how bad the pain was.

When that was done, the doctor walked him to another room where he would get his cast put on. Sitting on the bed, he grabbed Donghyuck's hand and squeezed it during the application of the cast. Even after it was finished, he didn't let go.

They walked out and Mark filled in the paperwork and finally they were out. Or well, almost.

Donghyuck, with a teasing tone, said, "You squeezed the blood out of my hand you jerk!"

Mark punched his shoulder lightly while chuckling, "You know what, I'm hungry, I'm going to the vending machine."

Mark walked away, with a smug smile plastered on his face. He could hear Donghyuck say, "It's literally 2 am you dumbass."

Nevertheless, the shorter boy still ran up to him, laughing. He grabbed Mark's good hand and squeezed it.

"I don't care i'm going to get my snickers."

They arrived at the vending machine and Mark payed for three snickers bars. He turned around to see a surprised Donghyuck, 'What?"

"You're not eating those alone," Haechan replied.

"Really? I thought it was 2 am?"

Donghyuck started whining and pulling Mark out of the hospital, still being careful with the hurt arm.

"Okay, okay, I'll share with you, you whiny baby."

"I'm not a baby. I'm 18."

Mark enterred in the black car, "Really I thought you were 6."

Donghyuck had also enterred and slowly let his head fall to Mark's shoulder, "That's just unfair."

Mark chuckled and broke off some of the snickers bar. He gave it to Donghyuck and closed his eyes.


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