4. i'm fine

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I got a review saying 'nooooooooo why would you make this is the first place...'
(This story is also posted on fanfiction.net. It's usually a nice and supportive community)
If you have negative comments please don't submit them. It only makes me feel upset and uncomfortable to share my writing. I made this because I love Hanbrough. I know many people don't, but if you don't you're not obliged to read this. This chapter is messy and unedited because I don't feel motivated enough to carry on writing. For those of you who are enjoying this story, here's chapter four....


Stanley and Bill had decided that they'd wanted to see dumb and dumber before everyone could even arrive that Stanley's house. Once all the losers had made it, they all decided that Mike was the safest driver and nominated him to carpool, which of course Mike didn't have a problem with. He had a pretty big car so it made sense.

Bill sat in the passenger seat, Ben, Adrian and Beverly sat in the middle and poor Stanley was stuck in the back with Richie and Eddie. The whole ride there was chaotic. They had music blasting and Stanley was constantly telling Richie and Eddie to stop being lovey dovey while in close proximity to him, which of course they ignored. Ben had rested his head on Beverly's shoulder while Adrian attempted to talk to Stanley in the back. Bill and Mike sung to the music, ignoring whatever was going on behind them.

They arrived and when Mike turned off the car everyone went silent and looked very guilty.

"Why do you all look look so guilty?" Mike asked
"Richie got gum stuck in your cup holder!" Eddie yelled.
"Dude! That was you!"


After they bought their movie tickets and popcorn, they walked into the small cinema. There were a few people sitting down by the front, but apart from that it was quite empty. The eight friends headed to the back of the cinema and sat. Mike on the end next to Bill, then Stanley, Adrian, Ben, Beverly, Richie and then Eddie.

Sometime during the movie, their hands slowly snaked together and even though Bill seemed to not be phased, Mike was sweating. His heart was pounding in his chest and he struggled to focus on the movie. Bill leant his head on Mike's shoulder and Mike's entire face tensed up. He tried his hardest not to cry from happiness. Whenever Bill showed him even the tiniest bit of affection he fell even harder for him. He smiled softly and leant his head on top of Bill's even though he was screaming internally.

Afterwards, neither of them said anything. It was almost as if nothing happened.


It wasn't unheard of for people to date others who weren't their soulmate, in fact it was quite normal, but when Bill asked Mike if it was okay, he felt as if he'd been punched. They were lounging in Mike's bed while proofreading each other's English assignments when he dropped the bomb on him.


Mike could tell he was nervous.

"I-i-is it okay f-for m-me to date someone. I kn-know we're soulmates, b-but-"
"Bill, it's fine. We're not that type of soulmates. Well, we haven't been, I don't think."

Bill didn't say anything. He just looked down and fiddled with the top of his sock. Mike always knew how to hide his pain well so Bill hadn't even noticed he was upset, but he definitely was. He wanted to bury his face in his pillow and scream until his throat hurt, but for Bill's sake, he didn't.

"Is their someone you've got your eye on?" He goofily grinned, hiding his pain.
"Th-this girl i-in my social studies c-class. Her n-name is Audra."
"She's cute. I personally think you should shoot your shot."
"B-but what if sh-she thinks m-m-my st-stutter is a-a-annoying or wh-what if she d-doesn't want anything t-to do with m-me because of m-my brother?"
"Then she's not the one. Whoever you end up with should love you for you. Not what they want you to be."
"Thanks, Mikey."
"No need to thank me."

Mike gave him a bright smile that Bill didn't even realise was forced. Bill smiled back and hugged Mike. The second the smaller boy couldn't see his face, Mike's face dropped and he closed his eyes as he repressed tears. He was in love with Bill Denbrough, the boy who literally lit up his world and he was scared that he'd never love him back.

Halloween was nearing faster than any expected. The leaves were quickly turning from green to brown and the weather was getting slightly colder. Mike loved it. He loved being able to wear more and more layers without being judged. He loved jumpers and track pants which he obviously couldn't wear during the hot Derry summers.

Everyone was talking about what costumes they were going to wear to a party or trick or treating, but nothing scared Mike more than having to see Bill with Audra. They'd started dating almost exactly a week after Bill asking if it was okay. Mike still picked Bill up for school, but had to hide his pain every time Bill asked if he could pick up Audra too. Soon, it just became a normal thing.

Don't get him wrong, he loved Audra. She was lovely. Her dark brown wavy hair always hung loosely by her ears and rested on her shoulders. Her beautiful pale skin was dotted with brown freckles which highlighted her features. She had prominent cheekbones and a sharp jawline which were always paired off with a bright, symmetrical smile. Her voice was beautiful and almost angelic. She was extremely nice and patient with Bill. Her and Richie got on well as they had similar senses of humour, but hers was a tad bit more tame than the trashmouths. She was quite short, but the perfect height for him. It wasn't just her height that was perfect for him, everything about her was perfect and it irked Mike deep down to his core.

Mike would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous. He tried his hardest to get over Bill, he did. He really did, but no matter what, he couldn't get the small boy with a stutter off his mind.

"Earth to Mike," Stanley waved his hand in front of Mike's face.

He was immediately snapped out of his thoughts. He'd been watching Bill from across the cafeteria. The boy was sitting at Audra's table with his arm draped around her shoulders. They all seemed to be interested in whatever Bill was saying. Mike looked down after seeing Stanley's hand.

"What'd I miss?"
"We were thinking of going to the quarry after school. You down?" Eddie asked.
"Mike, can I talk to you?" Beverly asked.

Beverly stood up and Mike followed her. She led him around the corner just outside of the cafeteria so they couldn't be seen.

"What's up?"
"I should be asking you that. Ever since Bill got with Audra you've been acting differently. You love him, don't you?"
"What? No, we're not like that."
"I can see right through your facade. You can tell me anything, I won't tell anyone."
"Fine," he gave up trying to hide, "I love Bill, but he's with Audra and he's never going to love me back. I'm trying to move on, but I just can't."

The words quickly fell from his lips. When the last word rolled off his tongue, he quickly covered his mouth and stepped backwards. His eyes widened as he stared at the redhead, surprised at what he'd just said.

"I've..." he slowly dropped his hands, "I've never said it outloud before."
"Come here."

Beverly hugged him and the boy rested his head down on her shoulder. Beverly was significantly smaller than him, but still gave him the best hugs. He squeezed her tight and she rubbed his back.

"I just thought we had something special. Maybe it was all in my head," he whispered.
"What you guys have is special. He will realise soon, I promise."

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