New Chapter two:

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This is gonna' be a long chapter guys sorry!!! 🤣💕

Isabelle's P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of back street boys 'Tell me why' . The time was 5 am and a breath taking sunrise was painted across the American sky. I rubbed my eyes as I stumbled Into the bathroom and started to to brush through my  crazy ass hair in the mirror. Once I had tied my hair into a loose braid and brushed my teeth, I walked over to my wardrobe to change into some clothes for school. " Hmmm"  I said out loud, " What shall I wear today?." After a whole lot  of debating, I decided to change into some blue denim jeans and a white and yellow striped top. Once I was right in-front of  the door and was getting ready to step out, my mum gently tugged on my arm and waited until I turned around. "Hey mum..." I said slightly confused and wanting to know why she had stopped me. "Have a good day!" She said suddenly pulling me into a hug. Once I had finally reached school I quickly checked what lesson I had first. Science. "Ooo" I thought to myself, " maybe the new guy is in my class" I smiled,  why am I so weird?
Once I had stepped inside the classroom and greeted some of my friends (I didn't have many), my eyes automatically locked with this gorgeous but unfamiliar guy. The man had electric blue eyes that contrasted with his soft black hair, fair coloured skin and his perfectly shaped jaw line and cheek bones. After shamelessly checking him out for a good two minutes, I stumbled towards him, a mysterious pull and curiosity edging me further. I slowly sat next to him making sure to keep my eyes averted after feeling dominance rolling off him.  After a few minutes, I finally decided to introduce myself, with a love struck school girl look plastered across my face. "H-hi... Your the new exchange student right?" I stuttered blushing slightly. The exchange student looked down at her ( since she was much smaller than him) and stared replied curiously, "yes I'm the new exchange student. My name is Adrian and you are?" Adrian didn't look like the type of guy who let curiosity get the better of him easily, so it took a while for me  to gather up the courage to reply. As I opened my mouth to speak, I felt a familiar prickling  sensation crawl over my skin. I was beginning to shift! I nearly fainted with fear. What was I going to do? When I had almost given up holding my wolf (Fifi) back,  I suddenly felt a firm but surprisingly gentle hand rest on top of my now shaking hand. I looked up from my knees to see worried electric- eyes staring down at me. "God he is tall" I thought to herself sighing almost silently. All of a sudden, our minds merged together. Showing us, without a doubt we are mates. I attempted to speak to Adrian out loud, but instead I slipped into his mind discovering why he was so familiar. I almost fell off my stool in full fledged shock. Fear are me up inside out, telling me to run. Far far away. After convincing my wolf to run away from her mate I dashed out of the classroom ignoring the teacher's irritated groans.

Adrian's p.o.v

" I can't believe it!" I whispered to myself in utter shock, " I have found my mate and the five minutes we have been together she had already ran away!" I stood up so sudden, the stool tumbled on the floor behind me, earning me some angry glares from the science teacher. I stormed out my fists clenched at my sides, and began carefully searching for Isabelle; looking in every possible hiding spot there was. I felt my blood begin to boil as he thought of how she put herself in danger running away from him. " Seriously Adrian? It's a school... what could possibly harm her?" I thought to myself shaking my head at how stupid I was. I came to a sudden stop when I heard almost silently sobs which in my heart I knew belonged to my mate. I followed the sound of the sobs nervously, " I've been with this girl for 10minutes and look at the effect she already has on me!" I thought to myself , worried whether she will ever forgive me for the things I had done. My heart broke into a million pieces when I saw Isabelle sat in the floor crying, head in hands and her legs drawn to her face. " What do I do?" I thought to myself pacing slowly and looking extremely baffled. I decided to go with my wolf's (midnight) plan, and pulled her into my embrace, burying my face deep into her hair. The smell of jasmine and honey intoxicating my every sense.

Isabelle's P.O.V

I felt strong arms wrap around my body, I automatically leaned into them without a single thought, seeking comfort from someone. Anyone. I felt so complete! So warm for a change! Until the real world came crashing down around me and I realised who I was cuddling with. I wrenched myself from his arms suddenly feeling cold but ignoring the goosebumps that spread up my arms . Adrian glared at me angrily as I shuffled further away from him averting her gaze down to the floor as I did so. Breaking the heavy silence between us, I gathered up my courage and stuttered nervously " U- umm a-are you going to hurt me?" A frown now sat where the tears had once been. Adrian seemed to look confused and maybe even a little hurt. He too shuffled back a bit after while, crossing his muscular arms across his chest as he did so. " I would never hurt you, lubirea mea" (my love in Romanian) Adrian whispered softly, reaching to grasp my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. I would of thought this was cute if he wasn't a crazy beta who murdered innocent people! Finally coming out my thoughts I relaxed a little, feeling a little safer around him and for some reason trusting his word. " I need to go home Adrian... I don't think I can stay here any longer, we need to sort this out..." I stated looking nervously into his beautiful eyes and then into our hands which were still clasped together tightly

Thanks for reading this chapter my favourite potato's ! Please vote if you liked this chapter and comment what you think. I would really appreciate your opinion. I'm so happy that my view are slowly getting higher and higher. I Love you all so much 💕💕💕💕

~ your fellow potato, Elles' 💕😘

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