Chapter 22

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(Jimin POV)
She fell asleep on me. What do I do?! If anyone sees us like this again they'll definitely know something's up, but she's sleeping so peacefully I don't want to ruin it.
I glance at the clock and it's 5am
There is no way I'll be able to wake up in time.
I gently pull myself away from her and get off the bed, Y/n stirs a little but she's still asleep. First I open the door so I don't get stuck , next I tuck my arm under her and gently lift her up in a cradle, just like I did on the night we snuck out. I quietly carried her to her bed and set her down pulling the sheets over her.
Jimin- goodnight Y/n I whisper as I leave the room

I go to my room and close the door, I let my lofi music play softly through the speakers around my room as my thoughts took me to sleep.
Does Y/n like me back? I know I love her but I don't want to ruin our relationship now. What do I do?
I fall asleep.

I wake up in my room again, I could've sworn I fell asleep with Jimin. That's when I look down and see his hoodie, so last night did happen? Maybe he just brought me back and I was too tired to realize.
I check the time and it's 11:45, I change my clothes and go downstairs where Namjoon is sitting in the bigger living room reading a book. He looks up at me, but immediately looks back at his book which just leaves us in an awkward silence, I turn around to go to the kitchen when he finally speaks.
Namjoon- Please be back in this room by 5 tonight.
Y/n- will do
Am I in trouble again?
I get to the kitchen and to my surprise Jin isn't cooking. The kitchen is completely empty, this is a first. I get a quick protein bar from the pantry and go back upstairs. I make my way through the halls to my room, today I was going to workout a bit so I changed into a tank top and leggings and went to the dance room for some cardio. I turn on the phone connected to the speakers and the song Hoseok and I were dancing to comes on.
Hehe, Nope!
I quickly change it to another upbeat song and start dancing, after a couple minutes I finish up and go to the training room.
Where is everyone today? First Jin isn't in the kitchen then Hobi isn't dancing and now Jungkook isn't training. Something's up.
I wrap my hands and start going at it with the punching bag, punches from every side, kicks too the only thing that stops me is a voice from the entrance of the room.
Jimin- you know some of these people will have weapons
Y/n- yeah, and?
Jimin- so you should probably learn how to use a blade, and lucky for you I'm the best with blades here.
Y/n- I'll believe it when I see it I say with a smirk
Jimin- you've been warned. Pick one out. He nods towards the wall that held all the blades.
I walked over and found a set of daggers with something carved into them, I couldn't exactly make it out but they were beautiful, but for some reason I didn't choose them, instead I took a sword which seemed to sparkle when it hit the light and its handle seemed to be made of Jade. I turn back to jimin who already had his sword at the ready.
Jimin- are you ready?
Y/n- yeah
Jimin- alright then let's go
We charged at each other full force and our swords clashed no one overpowered the other, and it continued like this until jimin swept my legs, I dropped my sword and as I began to fall he dropped his and caught me. Jimin pulled me close and we stood there trapped in each other's eyes. After what felt like forever we pulled closer and our lips touched.

After we pulled away we just stood there looking at each other until Jimin's watch starts beeping.
Y/n- oh no what time is it?
Jimin- 4 o clock, why?
Y/n- I have to meet namjoon at 5
Jimin- wait you too?
Y/n- yeah, you're going too?
Jimin- if he asked us he probably asked the rest of the guys too. We better hurry up.
Y/n- yeah, see you later
Jimin- see ya
I go to my room take a shower and change into a red simple top and ripped jeans, before I go downstairs I glance at my clock, it's 4:55.
As I go into the living room I see jungkook, Taehyung, and jimin all sitting on the couch, namjoon and Jin sitting on single seats and hoseok and yoongi were sitting on a couch. I'm 3 minutes early and still the last one to arrive, there's no more seats so I'm about to sit on the floor when,
Jin- here Y/n you can have my seat, I'll sit on the floor.
He got up from his spot and sat leaning on Hoseok and Yoongi's seat.
Y/n- oh um ok
Namjoon- now that everyone is here let the meeting begin.

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