Chapter 43

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I'm in my room pacing the floor, there's no news from any of them. What if there were complications, it feels like it's all my fault, they were taken so that the Choi's could get to me. My door opens and standing in the doorway is Taehyung.
Taehyung- Jin is awake
I run down the halls to get to his room and there he is laying on a bed, despite his condition he's smiling.
Y/n- what are you smiling about?
Jin- my sister, of course
Y/n- yeah I know I'm great, but why?
I come and sit down next to him on the bed
Jin- when I was in there he said some things, but I realized later on that when you need to you can kick butt
Y/n- I wouldn't have been able to do it if you couldn't read minds
He ruffles my hair and pulls me back a little so I'm laying down next to him
Jin- can I ask you a serious question though?
Y/n- sure what is it?
Jin opens his mouth to speak big the door bursts open and standing in the doorway is Namjoon with Taehyung and Yoongi close behind
Y/n- shouldn't you be in recovery?
Yoongi- since when do you care about the rules?
Y/n- alright I'll leave you guys with your reunion. I'm going to go see if anyone else is awake
I give them a smile and leave the room, I open the door closest to me and laying there on the bed is a sleeping Jimin. I try to slowly close the door so I don't wake him when his eyes flicker open
Jimin- Y/n, what are you doing here?
Y/n- I wanted to make sure you're okay
Jimin- I'm doing better. Come sit with me
I sit down at the foot of the bed as thoughts race through my head. We both open our mouths to speak
Jimin- you can go ahead
Y/n- no it's fine you go
Jimin- alright, I wanted to say I'm sorry Y/n for the emotions I put you in, I want to say that I didn't want to do that, and most of all I want to say that I don't want to live another second knowing that you resent me
Y/n- I'm starting to see that you didn't mean it, everyone is telling me, but I guess my mind couldn't accept it. I don't want there to be anymore bad blood between us anymore and I want to go back to having fun. So what do you say, can we be friends?
I hold my hand out for him to shake
Jimin- I would like nothing more
He shakes my hand, and we sit there laughing and talking as if old friends would. After a bit Taehyung and Yoongi walk in
Yoongi- visiting hours are over. It's our turn now.
Y/n- ok, I'll leave, see you guys later
I leave and enter the halls again there are two more doors
I shouldn't get my hopes up, he's probably not finished yet. But I want to see him
I open the first door and my heart drops, it's empty. I leave and go to the next door, I don't know why but I hesitate. I don't know what lies behind this door. I turn the knob and open the door.

There laying in the bed was Jungkook, he was in worse condition than the others. His arm is bandaged but stained red, same goes for his stomach, his cheek is bruised and there's probably more on his legs but I don't dare to look.

Y/n- Jungkook, a-are you awake?
I get no response, I move closer and sit next to him, his eyes are closed and his hair is messy. I play a little with his hair hoping it will somehow wake him up.
Y/n- J-jungkook remember what you said a couple nights ago. Don't you want to see my smile again?
I feel helpless sitting here, unable to fix his current state. I go back to playing with his hair. All of a sudden his eyes start to open
Jungkook- Y-Y/n? Is it really you?
Y/n- yes it is
My eyes start to water at the sight of him
Jungkook- Y/n I missed you and I-
You get consumed in a strong hug when he pulls away you see the sparkle in his eyes
Jungkook- Y/n, when I was away from you I went crazy, I didn't know what I was doing with myself but the thought of seeing you again is truly what kept me going which is why, Kim Y/n, I have to ask you before it gets any later. Will you um, will you be my girlfriend?
The question takes me by surprise, I don't know how I feel
Jungkook- you don't need to answer now, you can think about it but I had to ask you.
Y/n- I will need some time, but for now I'm glad you're ok
Jungkook- same goes for you, and you can have all the time in the world
There's a small silence in between you two
Y/n- what if we just lay here, let the world go even if it's just a few minutes?
Jungkook- that sounds perfect to me
We lay there lost in each other's eyes I slowly drift off and as I do, I feel a hand rest itself on my back. I let out a smile and fall asleep.

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