Chapter 45

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I wake up before the sunrise, the house is eerily quiet. I put my hair up messily, slip on a jacket and open my door and go to the kitchen to watch the sunrise. As I'm waiting for the sun I prepare a hot chocolate and sit down at the dimly lit counter. As the sun starts to come up someone else comes into the kitchen, it's Yoongi.
Y/n- since when do you wake up this early
Sleepily he mutters who said I'm awake?
Y/n- here come sit next to me
He grabs a mug and warms some milk before sitting next to me giving his eyes time to adjust to being awake.
Yoongi- so, what brings you to watch the sun?
Y/n- I woke up to early, how about you
Yoongi- I don't know, it's strange but for once I actually couldn't sleep, it was weird.
Y/n- that sucks, hopefully you'll get some sleep on the car
Yoongi- I doubt it, between Jin's jokes, Hobi's music, and Namjoon's driving, I will be wide awake
We both sit there for a bit sipping our drinks
Yoongi- how about you, you didn't seem ecstatic about being alone with Jungkook, but you didn't fight it either
Y/n- well what was I supposed to do, specifically request to be put with someone else?
He just gives me a sly smile
Y/n- what is it?
Yoongi- you can fool everyone else, but you can't fool me. I'm very observant you know
Y/n- observant of what?
Yoongi- you and Jungkook, you obviously like each other
Y/n- you don't know what you're talking about
Yoongi opens his mouth but Namjoon comes in before he can speak
Namjoon- since you both seem ready to go, please help me wake the others, I know that Eric, Jin, and Hoseok are all awake which leaves Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook
Y/n- I'll get Jungkook you get Jimin, first one done gets Taehyung
I walk down the halls toward Jungkook's room and walk in, he's laying down but he seems awake
Y/n- Jungkook, it's time to go
He acknowledges me only with a glance
Y/n- Jungkook are you okay?
Jungkook- I just had a really messed up dream
Y/n- do you want to talk about it?
I sit down on the bed next to him
Jungkook- not really
Y/n- okay
Jungkook- but can you do something for me?
Y/n- sure anything
Jungkook- can you stay here with me?
Y/n- of course
I rest my back against the headboard of the bed and Jungkook lays his head on my lap. As he drifts off I play with his hair a little, I go through the soft silky swirls and it brings me peace, until I hear footsteps
Y/n- jungkook wake up!
Jungkook- five more minutes
I don't want to but I have no other choice, with all the strength I have I pull myself out from under him. Jungkook jolts awake as the door opens revealing Jin
Jin- are you guys ready?
Jungkook- yeah I'm ready to go
Y/n- same here
Jin- good, we leave in five minutes
As Jin leaves jungkook turns to me
Jungkook- what was that for?
Y/n- what did you expect me to do, let Jin walk in here to see your head in my lap?!
He silents himself knowing I'm right
Y/n- come on let's go, we don't want to keep them waiting
Jungkook grabs his backpack , we stop to pick up mine and we leave the house the sky is still a shade of purple which makes the 3 black cars in front of us stand out
Namjoon- Y/n and Jungkook you take that car and leave after Jimin and Taehyung's car
He points towards the car Jungkook used to take me to the diner

Jungkook and I get into our seats as the other car pulls. He pulls out a pair of sunglasses
Jungkook- let's get this road trip started!

I let out a small giggle as we pull out of the driveway, this is bound to be a fun couple of hours

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