1x1: Looking up for Louds

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It was a cloudy and dark day in what was left of Royal Woods, Michigan. It had been 5 years since the R-1213 Virus spread, or as it was better known as the "Rotting Virus" or just "Rotting" had spread across the world, and those infected would die in 3-4 hours and come back as what they referred to as "Rotters".

A young girl, wearing a pair of black pants, a shirt with half a rainbow on it, and over that was a blue long-sleeved shirt. This little girl was Lana Loud, she was now 10 and she was no longer the little girl who liked to play in the mud. Now she was searching for food that her traps may have caught, she managed to snag 2 Rabbits. Funny, Lana always thought that the little animals represented her family, however, these were the first two that she had seen ever since the world had gone down the drain... Maybe the rabbits still represented her family...

She walked back to what was once her house.

Now it was sacked, broken, and just plain old. She went to the side and saw the bunker that her younger sister Lisa had built.

She opened the hatch and climbed down, There she saw her older brother Lincoln Loud, sleeping on the floor, he never slept in the bed that he shoved down here. He was now 15, yet he acted and looked like he was much older. he didn't wear orange anymore, but he wore a dark button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a white t-shirt under it with dark blue jeans, his hair was a mess as well.

It's been rough the past 5 years, the two didn't know what happened to their sisters or their mother. They knew what happened to their father though. Lana remembered it in great detail like it was just a few hours ago...


It was only a year after the infection spread, the two were hunting and were just across from their house when they heard a scream, The two ran inside the house they rushed in to see their dad pinning a Rotter against the wall with his forearm, but Lincoln noticed that the Rotters' teeth had sunk into his dad's flesh. Lincoln quickly grabbed the fire poker and shoved it in the Rotter's head, killing it. Lincoln's dad removed his arm from the Rotter's mouth and let it slide down as Lincoln took the fire poker out.

"Dad..." Lana said as she saw the bite.

Lynn Sr looked at his arm and indeed saw it was bleeding, "Shit..." He said.

Lynn Sr looked at his two kids and knew they weren't gonna like what he was gonna do. He led them upstairs and went to his closet, on the top shelf was a box. He grabbed it and brought it down, he then set it on the bed and opened it. Inside was a Ruger LCP and a Colt Python, He then looked to his son.

"Lincoln, you already know how to use this... Now I want you to teach Lana... I won't be able to" Lynn Sr told him

Lana had tears rolling down her cheeks but Lincoln whipped away his before they could form and he nodded,

"I'm gonna use the colt, and only come in after you hear the shot, understood?" he asked Lincoln.

Lincoln looked to his dad and nodded, "understood" Lincoln said.

Lynn Sr cried as he quickly embraced his two children and they embraced back. He then broke the hug and looked at his son, "Teach Lana how to use the Ruger, the Colt is too big and heavy for her" Lynn Sr told Lincoln.

Lynn Sr grabbed the colt and loaded it, The two knew what to do and they left the room and shut the door. A few minutes later they heard the gunshot and Lana cried but Lincoln held her tight.


Lana opened her eyes to see her brother was beginning to wake up, he rubbed his eyes and looked to his sister.

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