1x2: Family is not just Blood

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A/N: For those wondering what Sam looked like, a pic is up top.





"Have you found anything?" Asked a Woman

She wore a purple turtleneck sweater with brown khaki shorts and around her chest was a blue sash. She was a Blonde Middle-aged woman. In front of her was a teenage girl who wore a Girl Scout outfit with the same sash over her chest. Around her were maybe 20 or 30 other teenagers that looked like both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.

"Yeah, I looked around some of the houses in Royal Woods and I found a house that had a freshly written message on the door," said the girl

"And what did it say?" the woman asked,

"The message said: "Left for the Middle School. If you see this meet us there" and the people who left the message were two people called Lincoln and Lana" The girl finished.

"I see," the woman said.

"What's the Plan Scoutmaster?" Asked a Boyscout

"What we've always done after the world went to shit" The Scoutmaster replied with a small smile, "We're gonna take it all"





In what used to be the teacher's lounge but now simply a meeting room of the Middle school council, sat Sam, Lincoln, Lana, and Jordan.

Sam looked at Lincoln, "So... how long have you guys been out there?" Sam asked with concern.

"Since the beginning" Lincoln replied

"Your family?" Sam asked, a worried look on her face

Lincoln sighed, "Mom and our sisters left for the city, we and our dad were supposed to meet them there but then the roadblocks happened, we got stuck and most of the cars had been damaged or drained of fuel," Lincoln said. "Dad died a year after the Infection and we still don't know where the rest of our family is,"

"But they'll find us, I know they will," Lana said with a smile.

The three knew she was trying to brighten up the mood, and they smiled for her sake. Knowing that if they didn't, then they would shatter her hope.

Sam looked back at Lincoln, "Anything else?" Sam asked.

"Not really," Lincoln said rubbing the back of his neck "After one guy tried to break into our house after dad died, me and Lana have been living in the bunker," Lincoln finished.

Sam took a deep breath in and then let a big sigh out of her lungs, she then looked at Lana. "Hey, squirt, when was the last time you had a hot meal or a hot shower?" Sam said with a chuckle.

Lana was embarrassed but she smiled anyway, and seeing that made Lincoln's smile wider than it was. Lana had always been the one to get dirty out of the twins, not caring about how she looked, but the few times they had to clean up, she had complained about how cold the river was.

"Been a while," Lana told Sam.

Sam smiled, "Well not anymore," Sam told her, she then looked at Jordan, "Could you take Lana to get some food and a shower?

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