Partners in Crime - Reguleter

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Hi! This is my ship, it's a bit strange, but I ship it. I also kind of ship Sevulus and Hornytail, but I ship this more. So, this is set in the Marauders seventh year when they're thinking about joining the order, or thinking about if it's even real. But yeah, enjoy!


Peter had been very anxious lately. Why you might ask. Well, he had been asked by a few Slytherins if he wanted to join Voldemort. He didn't want to, but his friends were being very distant now that they were all dating someone. He had always felt a little left out, but he would constantly compare himself to his friends. James was the quidditch star that everyone loved, Sirius the handsome dare devil anyone could fall for, and Remus the brains of the operation.

But what was Peter? The weak and pathetic sidekick that they let hang out with them? He had always felt off since they would constantly tease him about it, and he had tried to lose a little weight to fit into the group, but it did nothing. Or at least that's what he thought, everyone thought he had gone on some health food diet because he had lost so much weight, but he wasn't eating at all. He looked in the mirror everyday and hated what he saw, but he had become quite adorable and it made a few think he might've been gay.

He was, but he wasn't about to tell anyone with his straight friends. James dating Lily and becoming the 'it' couple. Sirius with Marlene and looking as though they were made for each other. And Remus with Syble Trelawny and seeming like the perfect pair. But Peter was single and gay, that didn't fit with James' views because he had heard him picking on a few students for that.

"Look at the fags," he remarked, "it's disgusting!"

"Hm?" Peter hadn't heard.

Severus had started dating Lucius, and Narcissa was with Emma Vanity. James would tease them for their sexual preferences and for their house. Peter and Remus didn't like this, but Sirius saw it as proof that they weren't as perfect as they claimed to be. But they had never claimed to be perfect, and Remus threatened to go to Dumbledore if it continued. So as far as Remus knew, they had stopped.

"How could anyone be attracted to the same gender?" James questioned.

"I mean, I think they just have a different opinion."

"Well, it's gross!"

Peter couldn't bare the idea of his friends finding out he was one too, so he kept quiet and ended up feeling terrible and even more disgusted by himself. It was even worse knowing who his gay awakening was. He didn't know why, but Peter had found himself attracted to a certain Slytherin about two years younger than himself. Regulus Black. His best friends biological brother. It was stupid, but he just couldn't control whom he liked.

Regulus was a very different type of Slytherin in comparison to the others. He avoided confrontation and was rather secretive about his family. Sirius was abused by the Black's, but Regulus wasn't in Gryffindor or constantly disobeying the family so they had no reason to hate him. But Sirius left and this caused a lot of problems for the younger of the brothers. Whether anyone knew about this or not was something entirely different.

Regulus was also quite short in comparison to a lot of the others in his year, and had a few freckles sprinkled on his face making him look younger than he was. He had grey eyes similarly to Sirius' and black hair, but he seemed more adorable and cute then handsome or hot as some would say. But that wasn't all, it seemed as though the other Slytherins were very protective over him, and he was very quiet. He was also very nice to the other Slytherins, but seemed more tough when other people were around.

And Peter couldn't help falling for the young Slytherin.


Regulus was sitting under a tree near the edge of the Forbidden Forest, waiting for the sun to set. He wasn't going to eat dinner, he wasn't hungry and his parents letter made it awfully clear they didn't like how he looked. They thought he looked too adorable to be taken seriously and that it was quite the opposite from intimidating. But Regulus was never on for confrontation, and he was fully aware he wasn't as intimidating as his parents wished.

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