Unlikely - Blarry

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Hi! This was a suggestion from @greenvains and I didn't actually realise this was a thing. But, here it goes. Enjoy!


Blaise was sat in the windowsill of a Hgwarts corridor, drinking a cup of tea and watching the snow fall to the ground in almost a dance. The ground was covered in the white powder, the sky a stormy grey colour. He took a sip of his tea and the warm, steamy liquid keeping him from freezing in the cold. He looked out the window again and saw some Hufflepuffs and a Ravenclaw playing in the snow.

"That looks cozy," a voice from behind Blaise said.

"Um, yeah," Blaise turned and saw Harry Potter leaning against the wall, "You wanna join?"

Harry smiled before sitting next to the Slytherin. Blaise took another sip before setting his cup on his knee. Harry leaned back against the window, dark messy hair falling off his face slightly.

"You seem stressed," Blaise guessed, "what's wrong?

"Umbridge sucks," Harry stated. (How darh you insahlt har!)

Blaise chuckled, "Can't disagree there." 

"Really? I thought all Slytherins liked her?"

"I'm pretty sure you shouldn't paint all Slytherins with the same brush."

"Guess you're right there. But I've never seen any of you do anything against her?"

"That's because she's a teacher and a Ministry member. Two words to describe us if we did: Dead meat."

Harry chuckled, "You're funny."

"Part of my charm."

Harry smiled. It was almost refreshing, to speak to someone that wasn't weighed down by constant family pressure to be the best. Blaise himself didn't necessarily have it bad, but his mother had always given him an earful about not having a girlfriend yet. Truth be told, he never found himself interested in any of the girls he knew. Of course, it had come as a massive shock to himself when he started to crush on Draco Malfoy in third year. But he was over that now.

Days went by, transforming into weeks, then becoming months until it was February and the two had become a lot closer than they had first expected. And eventually, Harry worked up the courage to do something he'd been wanting to do for a while.

"Um, Blaise," he started, "I need to tell you something."

Blaise nodded before following the raven haired Gryffindor to the Astronomy Tower.

"Okay so, um... You know what. Actions speak better than words."

Harry pulled the dark skinned boy toward him and pecked him on the lips before turning to leave. But before he could he was pulled towards the boy again and they engaged in a passionate kiss. Gentle, but passionate. 

"So," Harry said when they pulled apart.

"So," Blaise replied.

"Guess we're dating now."


So, we started watching "Evil Angels" in HASS and it's so sad! The dingo ate her baby! Apparently America took it as this big joke, and it's basically a meme there, but it actually happened and a dingo really did eat a woman's baby. Like, how insensitive are you!? And apparently some foreigners say that to us Aussies, but let me tell you this; there are many things you don't ever tell an Aussie if you're a foreigner.

1) A dingo ate my baby.
Like, that's just insensitive.
2) What's the difference between Australia and New Zealand?
Like, we aren't the same country. 
3) Do you have pet koala's/ride kangaroo's to school/tame crocodiles?
This is more so for your own health and safety, because we will say yes and encourage you to try and get in a kangaroo's pouch. Trust me, you wouldn't be able to get anywhere near one before they attack you.
4) Koala bears.
They're not bears or cuddly.
5) Do you surf?
Some of us, yes, but that's a stereotype.
6) I hate vegemite/milo/tim tams.
Just don't say it, you will die.
7) Milo is just chocolate milk.
There's very little chocolate in Milo.
8) ANZAC Cookie.
It's not a cookie, it's a biscuit and I will murder you if you dare call it a cookie.

And that's not even everything.

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