Rebel - Ronco

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Hi! This is dedicated to @RoseBlake7 seeing as it was their suggestion. Please check them out, they don't publish or have any reading lists, but if they work up the courage I'm sure you'd enjoy it. I know them irl so I know it would mean a lot. Anyway, I really love this ship and it's so underrated. People put Drarry and Blairon as forbidden love when it's really not and this would be more of a forbidden love story. Enjoy!


Draco made his way through the train, looking for a compartment and he found one. He recognised the raven-haired boy to be the one he met in Madam Malkins, but the red-head was one he didn't know. But he had a fairly good guess that he was a Weasley. He didn't see the problem with making friends, it's not like his father had to know right? So, he opened the door and walked in.

"Hi," he started, "I'm Draco, and this is the first compartment I found that wasn't full. Do you mind?"

"Not at all," the red-head said, "I'm Ron, Ron Weasley."

He stuck his hand out for Draco to shake, which he did.

"I'm Harry," the dark-haired boy said bitterly.

"I'm sorry if I said something wrong," Draco said, "but I was in public and had to keep up appearances."

"Appearances?" Ron asked.

"I'm ... a Malfoy..."

Draco didn't seem to like admitting that, and Ron's face shifted into a look of disapproval.

"Well, if that's so..." Ron started, "I don't think we should talk."

"Um, I'm sorry if my name offends you," Draco blurted out, "I promise I don't mean to offend anyone."

"Didn't seem that way in Madam Malkins," Harry chimed in.

"Well, as I said; I was in public."

"What does that have to do with being a prick?"

Draco said nothing for a moment. He couldn't admit to being scared of the option of not doing as he was told, "I, don't know."

"Well then good day to you," Ron replied.


It was their second year, and Draco was trying his best to befriend the trio of Gryffindors since his father couldn't really get much worse than he already was. He had been trying all year the year prior, and so when Hermione was petrified he knew what he had to do. He had to make sure Harry and Ron found the page of a book he had ripped out at the beginning of the year. Hermione had already seen it, and it's what lead her to be petrified rather than dead along with Penelope Clearwater.

He took the page from where it had happened, and placed it back in her hand, noticing a word written that hadn't originally been there. Pipes. It was strange, but Draco figured it out and carefully placed it back in her hand in the hospital wing. Of course the duo of Gryffindors found it and saved the whole school. But, he noticed Hermione glance towards him and he just gave a small smile.

But the girl knew. She wasn't stupid. Anyone could tell that Draco had known something, but didn't let on. She was originally going to ignore the piece of parchment he gave her until she actually read it and realised it was entirely possible. For that reason, she would try and get Ron and Harry to let him hang out with them more, seeing as she'd be dead if it weren't for him.


It was their third year and Draco was sitting on the bathroom floor with a ruined arm. He couldn't tell the truth of how his father was so angry about him being attacked by a Hippogriff that he re-injured it. Looks like he'll have to lie and look like an absolute asshole when he was really just scared. It was even worse when they faced the boggart and some of his fellow Slytherins suggested his fear was a Hippogriff. Luckily he didn't have to face humiliation of people seeing his father.

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